Review: Uqique Digital Voice Recorder (Voice Activated)

Disclaimer: I received a product to review. All opinions are my own. 

As I have posted before, I absolutely LOVE (seriously, LOVE) my mini Uqique Digital Voice Recorder. It is small and handy- I even velcroed it to my monopod. It is so simple to use, so I need to turn it on in a hurry, I can catch recordings quickly.

I recently got to try out a newer model, that I have to say is quite amazing in its own right. It has a clip added, as well as a voice activation feature. Let's just say that I was drooling when I first tried it out.

Like the previous model, you can record up to 16 hours on a single charge, and 96 hours without emptying the device, thanks to the 8 GB of memory. It takes less than an hour to charge.  To charge, just plug in the USB cord- you can also get your recordings off this way by turning it on. To listen, plug the headphones in and turn it on. To record, plug nothing on and turn it on. Cool, right?

The high definition sound, intelligent noise cut filtering, and voice amplification make the recordings truly remarkable.

To activate the voice-activated recording feature, it is super simple. Simply press in one of the volume buttons while you turn the device on. This will prevent the device from recording stretches of silence. Particularly handy if you are using it to record interviews. To use it without the voice-activation, just turn it on without holding in the volume button.

No matter your purpose in needing a digital voice recorder, this device is a handy option. Whether you are a paranormal investigator, bigfoot researcher, student, author, journalist, or any other purpose, it is a great option. At just $36.99 on Amazon, it fits any budget as well.

Family Movie Night + Pizza Bar #RusticCrust

Disclaimer: I did receive product samples to facilitate my review and host a family pizza night. All opinions are my own. 

Growing up, my mom loved setting up a "pizza bar." She had it down to a science and always had things on hand for a surprise family movie night or impromptu sleepover. The woman even made homemade pizza crust and sauce. My mom= Wonder Woman!

I have been wanting to pass some of our childhood traditions on to my own kids, including the pizza bar family movie night, but lets face it- I am not Wonder Woman and do not have it in me to make homemade pizza crust. So, when Rustic Crust contacted me, I was all about it.

Mom had the right idea with this- we spent time together, got caught up with everything going on, and spent quality time together without arguing, which is hard to accomplish with 3 kids and 6 years between them. With my own family, between my business, the family business, homeschool, and everything else we try to fit into the day, our time gets lost. We have been spending evenings outside "disconnected" from everything else, playing with the kids, and catching up with each other. However, the last week has been so rainy, we haven't gotten to enjoy these cool evenings. What better than a family movie night and custom pizzas to get the family time rolling again?!

Setting this up is really easy, and you can keep things on hand at all times to throw one together at the last minute. There are only a few things to make sure you have- the rest can be winged!

Have On Hand For A Family Movie Night + Pizza Bar

1. Pizza Crusts- these from Rustic Crust come in a variety of flavors and are so good, you'll think you're at an Italian pizza place!

2. Pizza Sauce- This Rustic Crust sauce is the best I've tasted besides my Mom's (and no one will ever beat that)

3. Family Friendly Movie- this can be a new surprise or a treasured favorite- my kids love Happy Feet, and we love watching them dance along.

4. Any family favorite pizza toppings- we keep cheese, pepperoni, and olives on hand all the time- my kids will eat pepperoni and olives for a snack.

5. Blankets, floor pillows, popcorn, kids lovies, and a camera- you are going to want to capture these moments.

Gathering Toppings

My Secret (shhh): Check the fridge for healthy toppings, leftovers that can be added, and any surprise elements you think your family may like. I pulled out some leftover sausage I was going to use in another recipe (we eat wild boar sausage) and carrots- plus, Tbomb begged for pickles and leftover okra. (Hey- they ate it and it's healthy).

Tbomb choosing- Why is the clock on our stove never right? 
After you have your toppings picked out, put the pizza together and stick it in the oven. Because the crust is cooked and the toppings should be too, it should not take long. Tip: put a layer of cheese between the sauce and toppings, then on top as well- it will hold together better and you are getting that extra dairy serving in!

The kids' custom pizza- using Rustic Crust Sauce and Rustic Crust Cheesy Herb Old World Flatbread
After it cooks, serve it up. I put what we didn't eat in the freezer to be pulled out for quick lunches and the kids have already requested it!

Check out these tips for your own family pizza night here.

Thank you Rustic Crust for sponsoring our Family Movie Night + Pizza Bar. We really did enjoy it! 

Even more to love about Rustic Crust: 

All Rustic Crust ready-made crusts are:
· Made using traditional, Old World baking methods: Hand formed and double proofed for flavor
· Use delicious, all natural ingredients: Select herbs and spices, no GMOs or artificial ingredients
· Healthy for the whole family: Unbleached whole grain flours, no trans fats and no added sugar
· Convenient ready-made pizza crusts that are ready to enjoy in minutes
· Oversized Rounds for extra value
· Made in the USA

Learn how to make a grilled Caprese Pizza with Rustic Crust CEO Brad Sterl on Youtube

Book Review:

Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own. 

Teaching my children about thanksgiving is one of my biggest jobs as a mother, so when I had the opportunity to review Thankful, by Eileen Spinelli, I jumped at the opportunity.

The whimsical illustrations in Thankful melt my heart. They remind me of the classic books I loved so much when I was a child. The rhyming helps children follow along so that they truly understand the thankful attitude. Thankful teaches us that we all have something to be thankful for, all we have to do is look around us.

Thanksgiving isn't the only time we should convey our thanks to God and those around us- we should do it all year. We shouldn't just be thankful for the big things, but for the everyday things that we so often take for granted, but that make life so wonderful. Spinelli shows children how truly blessed they are.

Sometimes explaining these things to children can be difficult. they don't understand why we should be grateful for the grass under our feet. But, with Thankful, the explanation comes so simply. This should be a treasured Thanksgiving classic that gets read all year long.

Amazon ($10.58)

Press Release: A Piece of Advice for New Teachers: Find the Humanity

To all of the teachers stepping to the head of classrooms for the first time, good luck. You’ve entered one of the world’s most difficult professions and you are likely not yet equipped with many of the tools that the vets use to make this transition into a new year a little easier (rest assured that a lot of those vets are also feeling quite nervous to begin a new year). Prepare yourself. You will be disrespected by students, parents, and administrators. You’ll receive little pay for the countless hours you put in but will still be told by “experts” that even that paltry sum is too much.

But congratulations are in order. You are embarking on a journey that, according to the evidence I’ve gathered through my nearly ten years in the profession, can be extremely positive. It’s no big secret that teaching can suck. A lot. Soon, you will likely question why you’ve entered the profession, as that green, I’m-gonna-take-the-world-by-storm energy begins to wane and gets replaced by a near-constant inner news feed of negativity. You will likely be filled with self-doubt and often drive home cursing out people who are not present in your automobile. But, if you find the humanity, it can get better.

What does that mean? There are few things more terrifying than hearing that door slam shut as you walk to the front of a classroom and address your students for the first time. A sudden rush of self-doubt: What did I do? Who am I to be standing here? And, once the more general teacher-related fears start to fade, a new series crop up that are more personal, and specific: Holy crap, if I stand here long enough, these kids are gonna know. They’re gonna somehow find out I was a loser in high school. They’re gonna somehow find out Kathy Jenkins rejected me in eighth grade. Somehow know daddy used to use me as a punching bag and mommy would knock herself out with booze to cope.

Something about teaching—standing there in front of children—has a way of bringing all of our deepest fears out from that repressed center, and placing them back on the surface for public viewing and a new round of shaming. Something about it makes us feel as though we’ll never be whole. Which brings me back to my point: Find the humanity. What I mean is that when you start to notice these feelings creeping up, don’t run from them, but rather, run to them. Say hello. Invite them out to dinner to get to know them better.

No matter how much crap they give you, kids absolutely want you to be in control. They need a leader. And they’ll strip you down in a desperate attempt to either make a leader out of you, or run you the hell outta there so someone else with the stones can take over. At first, this process may seem terrifying—and it is. But there’s a hidden beauty in it.

If you let these kids break you down, and listen to why their words hurt so much, you can find a way to address some of your own issues. You can find a way to forgive yourself, allow yourself to heal, allow yourself to live and grow and feel love for yourself. And in this process, you’ll find your own humanity. (And if you feel the need to speak with a therapist to help you deal with these issues, then you’re in good company. You’d be surprised to find out how many of your co-workers do the same). You likely got into this profession because you have a big, beautiful heart, and an overwhelming need to inspire others. You heart and soul are already in the right spot. Use this as a time to get your head right.

The beauty about finding your own humanity is that, when you do, you begin to see it in others too in spite of their posturing and defiance. You’ll start to see the humanity behind the terror, and as a result, you’ll stop reacting emotionally to disrespect, and start acting with the wisdom and compassion necessary to not only neutralize the behavior, but to find a way to inspire positive behavior in the future (eh, not always, but sometimes).

I know I’m making all of this sound easy, but it’s not. Even after years of employing this same strategy, I still find myself with fears and doubts. But even when I know I can’t win a battle, I try to win an inner one by telling myself that it’s not me who’s crazy—that sometimes I just need to play along with the system even though it goes against my natural instincts, because if I do, I can keep my job and continue to fight those battles I can win in the future.

Again, I congratulate you on beginning your path on one of the world’s most difficult professions. You’re going to have a lot of people who don’t ever know what they’re talking about try to convince you that the job is easy. Forget them. You’ll remember why you got into this job when you’re able to emotionally detach from these jokers, and put your effort into actual teaching. You will have breakthroughs with kids. They will tell you things they’ve never told anyone else. They will come to you crying and in need of support, and somehow, you’ll find a way to console them even if you fumble with your words (just the fact that you’re listening may do the trick), and you’ll remember why you’re doing this. If you can find the humanity in yourself and others, you will become a rock. You will become a leader. You will become an inspirational powerhouse, and this energy will ripple throughout the classroom and leak out into the world.

Find the humanity. As the months pass, you may find that teaching isn’t right for you. It might not be. If not, go easy on yourself. You could always do something simpler like become a NASA scientist or a brain surgeon... Allow yourself to make this change free of shame and self-doubt. You are the master of your life. Find the humanity in yourself, in your kids, your husbands, wives, friends, strangers on the street...

It can get better.

Jonathan LaPoma is an award-winning novelist and author of "Developing Minds: An American Ghost Story " Follow Jon @jonlapoma


Press Release: Wyden, Bonamici Release Draft Bill to Protect Student Privacy

Oregon Lawmakers Ask for Input on Legislative Proposal to Protect Student Health Records

Washington, D.C. – Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, D-Ore., today released draft legislation to better protect student privacy on college campuses in Oregon and across the country.

The draft bill would change portions of the federal law that governs student records by putting additional privacy procedures in place before a school’s lawyers can access a student’s personal information, including medical records. The current law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), allows educational institutions a significant amount of discretion in accessing student records without the knowledge or consent of the student.

The draft bill, the Campus Litigation Privacy Act, is modeled after guidelines released in August by the U.S. Department of Education that encourage colleges and universities to put individual policies in place to protect student privacy on campus. The department’s draft guidelines are not binding, and once finalized, schools can choose whether or not to adhere to the recommended best practices.

“The Education Department has issued important guidelines on this issue, but protecting student privacy shouldn’t be voluntary,” Wyden said. “Representative Bonamici and I are working together to ensure heightened protections become the law of the land and we are seeking input to make this proposal even stronger. Students should be able to seek health and mental health care on campus with confidence that their private records will be kept confidential.”

“Students’ health records are not adequately safeguarded, and if students don’t trust the confidentiality of campus-based services, we run the risk of discouraging students from seeking care,” Bonamici said. “I look forward to receiving feedback on this proposal and advancing legislation to strengthen privacy protections for students. I am pleased to be working with Senator Wyden on this important issue.”

FERPA governs student education records, including on-campus health treatment records, while off-campus health care providers must adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). In legal cases, HIPAA includes additional protections, such as patient authorization, for patient medical records when the records are disclosed.

Earlier this year, Wyden and Bonamici asked the Department of Education to clarify the privacy protections for students on college and university campuses regarding access to their health records.

A summary and text of the draft bill are attached. Submit comments until October 17 here.


Press Release: Thousands of Milwaukee Parents Fight School Takeovers with “Walk-ins” at 100+ Public Schools

Students, Parents, Educators and Alumni to “Walk in” in Support of Protection of Public Schools

Tomorrow at 7:00 am CT, thousands of parents, educators, students and community leaders will hold “walk-ins” at more than 100 public schools across the city of Milwaukee to celebrate public schools and to share information about how a proposed public school takeover will hurt students and the Milwaukee economy. The walk-ins are in response to a public school takeover plan passed as part of Wisconsin’s 2015-17 state budget.

In addition to the Milwaukee school takeover provision, the budget expands school privatization statewide by removing the cap on the number of students who can participate in a statewide voucher program, and by creating additional authorizers for privately run charter schools across the state.

What: Walk-ins to support and protect public schools

Who: Parents, students, educators, community members, local and state legislators

When: Friday, September 18, 2015 at 7:00 a.m.

Where: Fernwood Montessori School, 3239 S. Pennsylvania Ave.

Legislation to create more of these state-run districts has been aggressively pursued across the country this year. Over the past six months, in addition to Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada have also created state-run districts. Similar bills have been proposed in a half-dozen other states.

Last month, the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (AROS), a coalition of national organizations that together represent more than seven million parents, students, educators and community members, released a report arguing that state takeovers of public schools and districts are systematically targeting African Americans and Latinos and denying them the right to run their schools.

Read the report here:

The report critiques what AROS calls an intentional effort to remove local control so that schools can be privatized without the opportunity for communities to voice their public opposition. The report examines some of the most prominent state takeovers of schools and school districts.


The Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (AROS) is a national table of organizations of parents, students, teachers and community members who are fighting for the public schools our children deserve.

Poise IMPRESSA: On Growing Up and Bladder Leaks #TryImpressa + Coupon

So, something strange happened to me a few weeks ago. I sneezed and felt a wet sensation. Did I just wet my pants? Yes, I did. I had a bladder leak and I'm not pregnant and I have not recently had a baby. I discreetly took my booty to the bathroom, cleaned up, and changed. That would have been fine and dandy except for that it happened a couple more times that same week. I didn't know what to do and I was really down. I mean, I'm only 30. Needless to say, I was a bit embarrassed.

My MIL could tell something was bothering me and asked me about it, so I explained what was going on. Hugging me, she told me it was completely natural. She explained to me that it is because of the trauma my body went trhough after my first c-section (I had major surger after, and a woundvac for 3 months). That there are ways to handle it, but it is nothing to worry about. She then went inside and came out with a ziploc bag, a few panty liners, and a hug. She said that was my new purse kit.

Well, I have a bigfoot expedition coming up and we always laugh so much when the team gets together that I was really worried about leaks. To top it off, I really didn't want to go traipsing through the woods, over logs, and through the swamp and worry about leaks. I should be worrying about snakes, bears, wild boar, and bigfoot. I knew there had to be a better option than pads.

The next time I headed to WalMart, I decided to check into my options to help with my leakage problem. I was excited when I saw this on the shelf.

I don't know about you guys, but wearing a pad has never been fun. I always feel yucky wearing one, so finding an alternative that is similar to a tampon was very exciting.

I picked up this Poise IMPRESSA Bladder Supports Sizing Kit and decided to give it a try.

Poise IMPRESSA is designed to help manage stress urinary incontinence. The Poise IMPRESSA Bladder Supports do not obsorb leaks, they prevent them- how amazing is that?!

The sizing kit includes two bladder supports of each of the three sizes, plus a $4 off coupon for a 10-count single-size package of Poise IMPRESSA. 

You can use them for up to 8 hours each day- awesome for sepecial events, running errands, or a funny movie night. Nothing ruins family movie night with the kids like having to go change clothes in the middle of it.

I am really impressed with the sizing- because not all bodies are created equal and this is not a one size fits all situation.

Do you want to try Poise IMPRESSA for yourself? You can get a $2 off coupon to purchase the sizing kit. After you find your perfect fit, you can even download a $2 off coupon for a 10-count pack.

Many thanks to Poise for sponsoring today’s story and encouraging me to try the new Poise* Impressa* Bladder Supports!

Mommy & Me FITness Together: 5 Tips for Exercising With An Active Toddler

This review was made possible by iConnect: Influencer Management and Pampers. I received product free of charge, but all opinions are 100% mine.

Have you ever tried to exercise, but get held back because you are constantly getting your toddler out of some mess or they are pulling on you to play with them? I have and now that I'm on my second toddler, I have worked out some tricks to make my fitness routine go a little smoother. Today, I'm going to share with you my top 5 tricks.

1. Get them involved. Whether they are copying you, becoming barbells for you to lift, or even letting you chase them. Getting them involved will keep them occupied, get them some exercise in, and even teach them the importance and fun of being active. 

2. Use music. What toddler doesn't like music? Put some music on to motivate you and in no time, they will be dancing or doing what you are doing. 

3. Give them their own space. Set up your yoga mat and a towel or blanket for them and they will enjoy being like mommy. 

4. Use cardboard to make their own exercise equipment and that will keep them entertained for hours. 

5. Let them hold you accountable. If you allow them to watch you, they are learning good habits and you are more likely to keep it up because your toddler can hold you accountable like no other. 

I love to get out in the yard and chase my kids. They love playing with mommy and it wears them out so they sleep better. However, nothing is sadder than seeing a toddler run in a saggy diaper- they can't even run straight because their diaper is getting in the way. That's where Pampers comes to the rescue. Pampers is taking our toddlers from Sag to Swag. 

Pampers Cruisers has just made some exciting changes to their diapers. They now include 3 “Extra Absorb ChannelsTM” This helps distribute wetness more evenly and cut down on sag. It also helps your little one stay drier for up to 12 hours. A saggy diaper can hinder movement, but the new Pampers Cruisers prevents this. Your baby will now have swag while experiencing all the cool new milestones, like crawling, walking, jumping, and running. Let your baby's (or toddler's) own swag be released, and not constricted by sag. Let your baby explore the world in a better fitting diaper.

*While the diapers may have changed, they are still made with the same safe and mild materieals they always have been made with*

To make things even better- As part of Pampers commitment to supporting the happy, healthy development of each baby and making life #BetterforBaby, Pampers will make a diaper donation at each Pampers Cruiser stop, continuing the brand’s mission to provide millions of diapers for families in need each year.

Be sure to follow Pampers on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube to catch all the latest news and some awesome tips for moms.

On The Go: Kids' Backpacks

Over the past 5 years, I have struggled with keeping the kids organized while we are out and about and on vacation. I've tried several different approaches and finally found what works for my kids. They take their backpacks (stocked with everything they need) everywhere they go. If it is going to be an especially long day, a road trip, or doctor visit (then they need extra things), I carry a simple tote to put the extra stuff in. The main thing about this approach is making sure their backpacks are stocked, organized, and ready to go. This is what our set up looks like.

Yes, they are color coded and that is extremely important in our house. Without color-coding, everything goes crazy. Each kid has their backpack (the LeapFrog toy and Vtech) toys are always put in the backpacks before we leave. Their tablet cases (Kodabug has a LeapPad and Tbomb has an Android Tablet) with everything they need for them are taken on longer days or when we need them to be quiet. Each tablet case has a charger, extra batteries, battery pack, neoprene sleve, and extra headphones all ready to go. When we leave, we just put their tablets inside and go.

Besides the tablet cases, this is what is in their backpacks. Each kid has basically the same thing, but color coded or age-appropriate.

Each backpack contains: 

Change of clothes in a ziploc bag

Mini first aid in a ziploc (Boogie wipes, Benadryl, hand wipes, bandaids, and moquito bracelet). I wish Tylenol made a single serve for this purpose.


Water bottle (Not pictured)- this is a collapsable water bottle in case I forget their drink- I have done it before. Now, I can just buy a water bottle and put it in a kid-friendly bottle.

Flashlight (my kids are obsessed with flashlights)


Activity Pack (pencil pouch full of goodies)

Toy Bag- this is one of those pouches that flat sheets come in (we put them over the couches for the dogs) and I snagged the pouch. The kids get to choose enough toys to fill it and that is it.

Magna Doodle


Drink/ Toy leash

Electronic toy

Each kid usually also has a doll or action figure as well.

Tip: Use the front pocket of the backpack for the change of clothes and first aid. That keeps it separate so the kids don't get into it. I also put the sunglasses and flashlight in it. 

Getting a backpack ready to go will save time and sanity. How do you keep your kids organized and entertained on the go?

5 Minute DIY: Organize Kids Electronics #OrganizedMom

I have a problem. I'm a geek. My husband is a geek. My dad is a geek. My in-laws are geeks. What does this mean? My kids are geeks. Yes, they most definitely are. If I weren't a paranormal investigator, needing tons of gadgets, they would likely out-gadget me. They have a ton of electronics. Did you see this post on Instagram earlier?
This is just the tip of the iceberg. This does not include gaming systems, my old devices they use, or random gadgets like the bug vacuum.  This is basically the things I can let them play with anytime, but their time is still limited, so I keep them where they can't reach them. Plus, it keeps Kodabug from getting Tbomb's tablet and vice versa. 

Yes, they are also paired. Koda wants what Tbomb has, so I have to have equivalents for each one. Without further ado, here is how I handle the kids ever-growing pile of electronics (for now).

It is overflowing now, and it is most definitely time to upgrade, but it works for the time being. If your children do not have as many things to put in it, then it will work perfectly- or only have one child. 

I just took a simple basket from Dollar Tree and stood the items in it. Some things we don't use as much (mouse, timer, etc) are in the bottom most of the time. Doing it this way, I can include accessories, like the CarSeat Cinemas, KidLid for my computer, and other forms of electronic protection. 

This weekend, I'm going to pick up two more (one green and one pink because they have to be color coded) and separate their items so there is more room to see (and grow). Any type of container will work for this- you may even want to get bins with lids to keep fingers out if you don't want them on a high shelf. 

This is a simple organizational project that will save you lots of time! 

Cookie Sheet: Awesome Homeschool Tool

I have become a little obsessed with the kids' cookie sheets. We have taken them on vacation, in the car, for dinners outside, camping, and even used them or crafts. One of my favorite times to use them has become homeschool though.

There are many different ways you can use cookie sheets in your homeschool. It is a great idea to have a couple on hand. Your homeschool and specific needs will determine the size required. We have small ones now that are similar to brownie pans, but will be purchasing larger typical cookie sheets to use only in school soon (don't you just love Dollar Tree?!) You can paint them, paint with chalkboard paint, cover in dry erase sticker and even paint on general game boards. The possibilities are endless.

Here are 10 Ways we use Cookie Sheets in Our Homeschool:

1. For spelling with magnetic letters

2. Visual storytelling (print pictures and use similar to a felt board)

3. Counting with manipulatives (the edges can keep things from rolling away

4. With a magnetic clip in place of a clipboard

5. Putting puzzles together. We take turns picking pieces, and keep all the pieces in the cookie sheet and pass it back and forth.

6. Outside work- when we need a change of scenery, we often head outside to do our school work. Then, the cookie sheets become desks!

7, Crafting- to keep all items together and protect the surface we are working on.

8. Sorting- sort magnets by color, letter, size, etc. You can also use a muffin tin

9. Sensory Play- if you have one like we do (with higher sides), they are perfect for a mini sensory bin.

10. Calendar time- if you want a small calendar to use, make one from a cookie sheet- imagine the possibilities with the added magnetic ability.

Once you start using cookie sheets in your classroom, you will be amazed at the uses you find for them. I'm always using them on a whim with different projects.

How do you use cookie sheets?

Press Release: Back to School: College Students Benefit Mentally & Physically From Mobile Apps

According to a study by Sallie Mae, about half of college students go away to college. Going away to college can be stressful for students, both mentally and physically – oftentimes, it's their first time going away from home for any extended period of time. According to a spring 2014 survey of 79,266 college students by the American College Health Association, about 14.3% of college students were diagnosed with or treated for anxiety problems during the past year, and 12% were diagnosed with or treated for depression. Anxiety and depression are the most common disorders, according to the survey.

And the notorious "freshmen 15"? Researchers at Auburn University in Alabama followed 131 students over four years of college and found that a whopping 70% of them packed on pounds by graduation (an average of 12, and up to 37 pounds). The overall percentage of students found to be overweight increased from 18% to 31%.

From maintaining a healthy weight, managing money, and keeping track of to-do lists while juggling academics and extra-curriculars is something many college student struggle with. Add the stress of a new environment away from home and students are affected both mentally and physically. Below are a few apps to aid students in staying healthy.

Evernote – From keeping notes during a lecture to jotting down to-do lists, Evernote helps keep life organized and alleviates stress.

FitClickFitClick offers its Talk-to-Track calorie counting app featuring a voice-activated calorie counting feature, making is easier to track each meal and therefore avoid the "freshmen 15". 

Acorns – Financial stability is important in leading a stress-free life. Targeting millennials who are looking to put their money to work, Acorns rounds up spare change and invests it in portfolios of users’ choosing 

Google Drive – Compatible with almost any file type, Google Drive is a top cloud storage service – ideal for last minute edits or working on-the-go. 

Clear – Clear helps keep you organized by setting important reminders and keeping lists. It can sort items by priority and aid in increasing productivity.

On The Go Activity Bags For Kids: Perfect For Church, Restaurants, and More

I was sitting at a restaurant letting my oldest play. While he was playing, Kodabug was coloring and doing a variety of different activities. Then, Tbomb wanted to do the same. They did their activities for a while and when it was time to head home, I packed their goodies and was stopped by a grandma. She asked me about them and I gladly let her look through the two bags. She then informed me that she would be making them for her grandkids. I thought, I'd share them with you guys.

There is really nothing special about these little packs, just the time it takes to put them together. I picked up a pouch for $1 at Wal-Mart and filled it full of things we had, things from Dollar Tree, and a couple new things. 

Each pack has plenty of coloring items, scribble pads, crayons, a pencil, dry erase board (that is really a game case), and a game. They each also have a balloon ball and a pumpkin carving shovel for outside play. I keep one in each backpack and I have another set up for each for car trips. These packs have definitely been worth the time and little money invested. 

Back To School: Snacks

Lunch consists of a huge part of my day. I start thinking about what to feed the kids as soon as breakfast is done. Then, I wonder if I made the right choice or is this going to be one of those days that nothing in the refrigerator or pantry will suit their taste buds. Even a homeschool mom has to put a lot of thought into lunch. I think I need to have a set-up like I've seen from those moms that pack picture perfect lunches to send to school. Snacks are even more of a problem!

 Hmm... maybe this infographic will get my butt into gear!

Check out the website for more information

Book Review: The Plans I Have For You

Disclaimer: I received a product to review. All opinions are my own. 

One of my favorite bible verses is Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. When I found out that this book is based around that scripture, I knew it would be perfect for my children. I try to teach them that each person that makes up this world is important, and that God has plans for each of us. We don't know his plan, but everyone has an important role.

The illustrations in this amazing book really bring it to life. It is bright, adorable, and playful. It catches the eye- adult and children alike. The author of The Plans I have for you, Amy Parker, encourages children to have big dreams and to trust that God has a plan for them. Can we really hope for more for our children?

This book would make an amazing gift for a baby shower, kindergarten graduation, or even high school or college graduation. It will encourage the young and young at heart to dream big and trust God.

Buy now at Amazon ($11.83 Hardcover)

Camping Gear: Dry Bag

Disclosure: I received one or more of the products mentioned above in exchange for review from Giveaway Service website. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. Reference ID: pm9a890c60993e189512a1316fee17b963

Have you ever been camping, only to realize that a storm is coming and you have no where guaranteed to stay dry for devices and other important items that do not need to get wet? 

What about when the storm comes and your tent springs a leak. All of that high tech gear you have been squatching with is unprotected. Well, this dry bag from Practico Outdoors is here to save the day. 

Guaranteed to keep everything dry, it is perfect for camping, hiking, rafting, or using a truck for a drive. We took the truck to Cherokee and I was ecstatic to have all of my electronics in this dry bag, as there wasn't room in the cab for everything. 

Made of high quality matrials, using an awesome buckle, and including a strap to carry on your shoulder or crossbody, everyone can benefit from this 10L pack. If you are going hiking, put your items you do not want wet in this and then stuff it in your backpack- no more worries.