Guess what?! I'm back with another round of Southern Charm Sundays. As we round out the year, I'm getting my schedule in sync a bit better which means that my posts will be more frequent. I have been dying to get Southern Charm Sundays going again but didn't want to rush them, so I've been patient- as have you. Well, they are back. If there is an etiquette topic you would like to see me cover, just email me at thepalmettoqueen at gmail dot com and I'll be happy to include it.
This particular post is one I've been wanting to write for a while but needed to really think it through, so I wouldn't offend. Here goes!
Each situation is diferent and needs to be handled with care and finesse. However, these tips should help you get through these situations.
1. Indirectly bring attention to the bad behavior. If you are at a play group, or park. Call your kids' names and say "Susie Q, that better not be you doing that rude thing." More often than not, the parent of the child misbehaving will see what their child is doing and put a stop to it.
2. Playground Etiquette: when the big kids take over the little kid playground, make your kids gett off the playground and sit down, then explain to them that this playground is made for little kids and the other for big kids because little kids can get hurt playing with big kids. Then, let the big kids know where the other bigger playground is. Most of the time, this will work. If not, just leave.
3. If you suspect the child is seeking attention, here is a wonderful way to handle it. Ignore the bad behavior and bring a lot of attention to the good behavior.
4. Bring your own child's attention to the behavior. For example, " Tbomb, that kid may be able to get away with behaving like that, but I better not catch you doing it."
5. If it is a parent/ child you do not know and they make rude comments about how someone looks, just look at them and say "when you behave like that, it will come back- one of these days, someone will point and laugh at you."
6. Speak to the children as a whole. I was in a situation after the kids' birthdays last year that was exhausting. We have woods behind our house and one of the parents stayed after the party. The child was running all over the place and misbehaving. The parent wasn't correcting, even when they were climbing on the pool ladder. I started telling the kids as a whole to stay away from the pool, stay under the carport, get away from the woods, etc (September is dangerous for snakes). This seemed to really help.
7. Sometimes it is best to do nothing. If the child is not causeing harm and it really isn't a big deal, just itnore it and talk with your children later.
8. Talk to the parent. Let them know that you don't want your child picking up that behavior, and even that it may cause their child to not make friends very well if that is the way they behave.
9. As a last resort, call the child out. Only do this if the behavior is harmful, though. Remember- never put your hands on another person's child.
10. Limit or end your children's interaction with those kids. Let the parent/ child know that if they cannot behave and not be rude, your child cannot be around them and pick up those bad behaviors.
My Favorite Lifestyle Website
I used to sit down with my coffee every morning and get straight to work. I would look at my planner, check my email, and get started on social media. I have been strying something different lately though. I have been giving myself 30 minutes before I start my day. I sit at the table or in the sunroom with my coffee and my tablet and browse. I always start with my new favorite lifestyle website- CoffeeBean Press.
CoffeeBean Press has a variety of topics from news, to coffee, to wine, cars, and events. Their lifestyle section is byfar my favorite, but I love reading them all. Grab your tablet and sit down with a good read on
Free Printable: This Empire...
I usually do my graphics work in Paint Shop Pro because that is what I learned with. I never got used to Illustrator because I prefer PSP. Well, this week I've had to familiarize myself with Illustrator and get used to it. I finished what I was working on and wanted to continue familiarizing myself with it, so you get a freebie out of it. This is one I've been wanting to do for a while and just never got around to it. Now I have.
This is also a little hint into what the planner will be like. This can be used in a frame, as a reminder. and even in your planner (when you open the PDF, just print to the size you need- if you need help with that you can email me at thepalmettoqueen at gmail dot com). You can print this in draft mode if you will be using it in a planner to save on ink. I'm going to put it in my planner behind my semi-transparent "dashboard" as a constant reminder that I'm headed in the right direction with The Palmetto Queen and Cari On Media.
This is also a little hint into what the planner will be like. This can be used in a frame, as a reminder. and even in your planner (when you open the PDF, just print to the size you need- if you need help with that you can email me at thepalmettoqueen at gmail dot com). You can print this in draft mode if you will be using it in a planner to save on ink. I'm going to put it in my planner behind my semi-transparent "dashboard" as a constant reminder that I'm headed in the right direction with The Palmetto Queen and Cari On Media.
Download the PDF
As a reminder, please send people to this page and not the direct download. If there is a quote you would like to see as a printable, I would love to hear it.
20 Household Items To Recycle For Homeschool Use
When I got out of college, I started saving containers instead of throwing them out to help organize various items in my home. That was great as long as I didn' get over zealous. Now that I'm homeschooling kiddos, I've found that we save a lot o money by repurposing and recycling items from around the house instead of just throwing them out and buying things. I want to share a few of those with you.
1. Paper- I keep a box for scrap paper, junk mail, and old lists (nothing with sensitive information). Then, when the kids want to scribble, practice writing, or cut- they can get that paper.
2. Plastic jars (like mayonaisse jars)- these are great for storage, sorting, transporting, and so much more. I actually used a small one to hole activity popsicle sticks (more on that in another post).
3. Glass jars- they make awesome terrariums, flower pots, and so much more. We are saving some now for a project for Christmas presents to family members from friends.
4. Packing paper- you know, that brown craft paper that they use to buffer items in packages? That is the same stuff you get on a roll. We save this for crafts, but also to let Kodabug color on the floor with.
5. Bottle Caps- all kinds of bottle caps can be used. You can write letters and numbers on them, count with them, sort them, do crafts, and so much more.
6. Old board games- you can make up new rules, save the pieces, and so much more to add manipulatives to your classroom. I even pick them up occassionally in thrift stores when the game boards and pieces seem pretty generic.
7. Cookie Sheets- There are so many ways to use them.
8. Shoelaces- throwing out shoes? Save the shoelaces for lacing cards, weaving, measuring, and more.
9. Magazines- for letter/ sight word search, collages, and more.
10. Bottles- we used milk bottles from McDonald's to make maracas.
11. DVD cases- instead of thrwoing them out, I made several dry erase boards with them. I put a plain piece of paper behind the plastic and put a dry erase marker and old glove inside. I made them for our homeschool, for their backpacks, and some for friends' kids.
12. Dry beans make great counters
13. Old calendars are great for teaching months and days of the week. Cut them up and let your kids put them in order, tell you who's birthday is when, and even use them as flashcards.
14. Containers- organization is key. Instead of buying new containers, wash food containers (especially the square butter ones), remove the labesl, and label for your homeschool. Free organization.
15. Disposable table cloths- instead of throwing them out, make sure they are clean and use them as drip cloths.
16. Small bowls (like apple sauce , yogurt, and pudding containers) make great paint and water containers. you can also use them with a paintbrush for glue.
17. Toilet paper and paper towel rolls- the uses are endless- from painting, stamping, crafts, and even organizing cables.
18. Random buttons, outgrown small toys, legos, and so much more can be used for sorting, writing letters on, and so much more.
19. Home improvement supplies. From wallpaper, paint, extra ttrim and wood, paint swatches, paint stir sticks, extra carpet, leftover tile, and so much more can be used in different homeschool projects.
20. Old electronics- some of the electronics we have upgraded have been "donated" to our classroom for learning purposes only. For instance, one of my old tablets is a dedicated "reader" for the kids.
Before you throw away or donate, think about your homeschool classroom. It might benefit from keeping that item around.
Press Release: Celebrate Grandparents' Day With Story Monsters Ink!
Celebrate Grandparents’ Day with Story Monsters Ink!
CHANDLER, AZ (August 2015) —September 13, 2015 is National Grandparents’ Day, and Five Star Publications, Inc. is celebrating Story Monster style! Since its August 2014 debut, Five Star’s delightful literary magazine, Story Monsters Ink has welcomed thousands of subscribers, including parents, educators and grandparents. Colorful and vibrant, each issue explores the best in children’s literature, featuring internationally acclaimed authors, celebrity spotlights, book reviews, recommended reading lists and much more.
“Story Monsters Ink was created with making memories in mind,” says Linda F. Radke, founder and president of Five Star Publications, Inc. “With Grandparents’ Day quickly approaching, it’s wonderful to think about how children’s lives are enriched by their grandparents. Reading together, enjoying outings and sharing life experiences—this is what memories are made of.”
Whether grandparents live close to their grandchildren or are distanced geographically, a subscription to Story Monsters Ink can strengthen family ties as the magazine is shared among loved ones. An online subscription to the monthly publication is free of charge, and printed copies of each issue are available for an affordable paid subscription.
“A gift subscription to Story Monsters Ink could be given from a child to his or her grandparents in honor of Grandparents’ Day,” says Radke, “and grandparents could share the magazine with their grandchildren, simply as another way to say ‘I love you. Let’s read!’”
Story Monsters Ink also provides young readers with the opportunity to write. With adult supervision—from a teacher, parent or grandparent—children can submit book reviews and feature stories for possible publication. Another highlight of the magazine, “Conrad’s Classroom,” teaches children about science and the natural world through the eyes of award-winning author and educator Conrad J. Storad.
Featuring Genevieve and DC from Disney Junior's Choo Choo Soul and Mercer Mayer of Little Critter fame, the August 2015 issue of Story Monsters Ink welcomed more than 100,000 viewers. Past issues have featured Sesame Street’s Caroll Spinney, the puppeteer behind Big Bird, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, and Paul Goldschmidt of the Arizona Diamondbacks. “As Story Monsters Ink celebrates its first anniversary, we look forward to introducing children to many more books, authors, inspiring professionals and learning opportunities,” says Radke. “Most importantly, we love how literature can strengthen relationships across generations. The role grandparents play in their grandchildren’s lives can be so rewarding, and we’re proud to provide this magazine as another tool they can use to teach, share and enjoy!”
For more information about Story Monsters Ink and to subscribe online, please visit
15 Ways To Use A Kitchen Timer: Mom's Best Friend
I never used a kitchen timer until I became a mom. I would just watch the time while I was cooking. I bought my first one after Tbomb was born and have kept one ever since. Honestly, I'd usually pick one up at Dollar Tree and replace it when the batteries died. I recently received a set of two nice kitchen timers and have found myself using it more than ever. (I gave one to my MIL and she's been doing the same). The one I have can be turned off or on, uses AAA batteries, is very loud, and has very large numbers and buttons. It also can be set up to 99 minutes 59 seconds, has a loop for a lanyard or hanging, a stand, and a heavy duty magnet. Mine works as a timer and stopwatch, as well. All this makes life easier, but one from Dollar Tree like I used to use works just as well. (link to mine) I have even considered getting one with a different alarm and use one per kid. As you will see, I pretty much keep it with me all day long.
Today, I want to share 15 ways I use my kitchen timer on a daily basis.
1. Cooking, of course
2. Timing exercise
3. Timeouts
4. Timing quiet time (we have an hour of quiet time every afternoon and Tbomb can see how much time he has left.
5. Timing school activities
6. Timing screen time
7. Timing reward activity time
8. I have used it to limit the time Tbomb takes to make decisions
9. Tracking 10 minutes of calm-down time before bed.
10. Tracking work time during the day.
11. I've used it to time when I need to cook dinner so that I don't get wrapped up in other activities
12. Timing discussions in meetings to keep us on track
13. Timing speakers at events (depending on the alarm options you have)
14. Timing crazy time when the kids have been sitting too long/ timing break time
15. Timing all the little things throughout the day, when I say "you have 5 minutes to put your shoes on, etc" It is especially helpful because Tbomb is learning time, so he can see what I'm talking about.
Do you have another use for a kitchen timer? I would love to hear about it.
Today, I want to share 15 ways I use my kitchen timer on a daily basis.
1. Cooking, of course
2. Timing exercise
3. Timeouts
4. Timing quiet time (we have an hour of quiet time every afternoon and Tbomb can see how much time he has left.
5. Timing school activities
6. Timing screen time
7. Timing reward activity time
8. I have used it to limit the time Tbomb takes to make decisions
9. Tracking 10 minutes of calm-down time before bed.
10. Tracking work time during the day.
11. I've used it to time when I need to cook dinner so that I don't get wrapped up in other activities
12. Timing discussions in meetings to keep us on track
13. Timing speakers at events (depending on the alarm options you have)
14. Timing crazy time when the kids have been sitting too long/ timing break time
15. Timing all the little things throughout the day, when I say "you have 5 minutes to put your shoes on, etc" It is especially helpful because Tbomb is learning time, so he can see what I'm talking about.
Do you have another use for a kitchen timer? I would love to hear about it.
Have Some Me Time With Healing Waters
Life is tough, but being a mom is the hardest job I have ever had- it is also the most rewarding. It is draining but energizing. It is stressful, yet joyous. It is like nothing else in this world, but sometimes we need a break in the form of "me time." My me time generally consists of me watching the kids play in the backyard with a cup of coffee, a good book, or my planner. Isn't this view amazing?
However, sometimes a break doesn't cut it and you actually need an escape from all the chaos life throws your way.
Healing Waters has many day spa options and would be an amazing option to get an escape. With locations in Witchita, Kansas; Durham, North Carolina, and Columbia, South Carolina- there is probably one close enough to you. The options include manicures, pedicures, massages, acupressure, and so much more. You or a mom close to you could really benefit and rejuvenate with Healing Waters, especially now that the kids are in school.
A photo posted by cari (@cari_on) on
However, sometimes a break doesn't cut it and you actually need an escape from all the chaos life throws your way.
Healing Waters has many day spa options and would be an amazing option to get an escape. With locations in Witchita, Kansas; Durham, North Carolina, and Columbia, South Carolina- there is probably one close enough to you. The options include manicures, pedicures, massages, acupressure, and so much more. You or a mom close to you could really benefit and rejuvenate with Healing Waters, especially now that the kids are in school.

Healing Waters also offers membership packages to keep you rejuvenated all year long.
Massage Me Monthly Package:
This membership subscription package includes a monthly massage at a discounted rate, plus other members-only perks. Clients can personalize the deal by choosing from the Signature or Deep Tissue Massage program, both available in 60 or 90-minute sessions. This is a great investment for people who need a little extra ‘Me’ time to relax and de-stress. Learn more here.
Pure Commitment Facial Membership Program:
This subscription program offers clients a way to receive super skin care all year long. The benefits of these monthly facials are endless. The facials are received at a discounted rate, along with other members-only perks. You truly can’t put a price on great skin! Find out more here.
Positively Polished Program:
This membership subscription includes monthly nail services at a discounted rate. Clients can personalize their mani to best fit their lifestyle by choosing from the Signature Spa Manicure or Pedicure Program, both offered with or without the Shellac/Gel add-on. For clients who already get their nails and toes done regularly, this is a great way to stay professionally groomed year round while taking in the serenity of the spa. Learn more here.
Review: Kinivo Sport Headphones
Disclaimer: I received a product to review, all opinions are my own.
I absolutely love the headphones and speakers from Kinivo, and recently had the opportunity to try out a pair of sport headphones that haven't been released yet. I am in love with them, and you will be too.
I'm one of these people that have headphones all over the house. I have a couple pair by my computer, some in the living room, several in the bedroom, and a pair in my purse at all times. That way, I'd always have a pair with me. The only problem with this is that I haven't found a pair that are just right for working out and other physical activities. In the past, they have either fallen off of my head or I have gotten the cord tangles.
That's what makes the BTH260 Bluetooth sport headphones so amazing. These are balanced just right on your head so that they do not fall off and they have no cord. The controls are right on the ear part of the headphone. There are just enough buttons to do what you need, and not so many that the buttons are confusing when you aren't looking at them. The case with carabiner clip keep them protected and handy when not in use. I have started keeping these with me all the time so that I can always listen to music, no matter what I am doing.
The BTH260 headphones have not been released yet, but you can sign up for updates on the Kinivo website and find out when they are available for purchase and learn about their other amazing products. Sign up here.
UPDATE: These headphones have officially been released, order here.
I absolutely love the headphones and speakers from Kinivo, and recently had the opportunity to try out a pair of sport headphones that haven't been released yet. I am in love with them, and you will be too.
I'm one of these people that have headphones all over the house. I have a couple pair by my computer, some in the living room, several in the bedroom, and a pair in my purse at all times. That way, I'd always have a pair with me. The only problem with this is that I haven't found a pair that are just right for working out and other physical activities. In the past, they have either fallen off of my head or I have gotten the cord tangles.
That's what makes the BTH260 Bluetooth sport headphones so amazing. These are balanced just right on your head so that they do not fall off and they have no cord. The controls are right on the ear part of the headphone. There are just enough buttons to do what you need, and not so many that the buttons are confusing when you aren't looking at them. The case with carabiner clip keep them protected and handy when not in use. I have started keeping these with me all the time so that I can always listen to music, no matter what I am doing.
The BTH260 headphones have not been released yet, but you can sign up for updates on the Kinivo website and find out when they are available for purchase and learn about their other amazing products. Sign up here.
UPDATE: These headphones have officially been released, order here.
My Gear: Lux Meter and IR Thermometer from Nubee
As you know, paranormal investigation equipment is an obsession of mine. As you may not know, there are many things that paranormal investigators use that are used for other purposes as well. The IR Thermometer and the Lux Meter are two of those things.
I had the opportunity to try these out from Nubee and I have fallen in love.A photo posted by cari (@cari_on) on
IR Thermometer
Lux Meter
Nubee® NUB1010BS Digital Light Meter 0 - 100,000 Lux Tester FC Photo Camera Luxmeter 3 Ranges Selectable ($29.99- Amazon). This is a product I am still experimenting with to see how it works on paranormal investigations. My thought is to use it to detect shadow movement where it is frequently seen. However, I have not used it enough to get a good measurement of how it works in that aspect. However, in its intended environment, it is perfect!
The purpose of this product is to measure the light (lux) that a light gives off. It is great for testing lights to see their lumens, and I'm sure could even work to keep lighting at a certain level for optimal viewing in a work/ play environment. Because of this, I think it can detect changes in the light levels in rooms- if it gets darker, I should know by measuring- but like I said, I'm still experimenting. Once I get more used to it and find the right times to use it, I am certain I can trust the results because when measuring lux of lights, it gives consistent results.
Press Release: VIF partners with 227 schools in eight states to promote global learning
268 new VIF cultural exchange teachers from 23 countries will also lead K-12 classrooms throughout N.C., S.C. and Va.
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (August 25, 2015) -- VIF International Education, a global education partner of K-12 schools and districts, will work with schools from California, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia and Washington to integrate global concepts into daily classroom instruction through use of professional development for teachers. This will be the first year schools from California, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Washington participate in the VIF Global Schools program.
In addition, VIF also welcomes 268 teachers from 23 countries to its cultural exchange teacher program. These educators will join more than 500 current VIF cultural exchange teachers who bring authentic intercultural experiences to school communities and lead dual language immersion classrooms in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. Educators in both programs will have access to expert-created global lessons and professional development modules through VIF’s Learning Center.
“Modernizing teacher training to assure global learning opportunities for all students is at the core of what we do,” said VIF CEO David Young. “By taking advantage of the incredible advances in technology in recent years, we now have the tools and resources we need to achieve this mission. We look forward to working with our partner districts, schools and teachers - both international and domestic - to create engaging learning environments that prepare students for life and work in an increasingly global society and economy.”
Last year, a study from UNC’s Education Policy Initiative shared that VIF cultural exchange teachers were recognized as the most effective educators in both reading and math at the elementary level in North Carolina when compared to teachers trained by traditional preparation programs. VIF’s research-based recruitment, selection and placement process ensures teachers selected to participate in the program are experienced, highly competent and committed to their schools and students.
For more information on VIF’s global education programs and services please visit our website at
About VIF International Education
VIF International Education partners with districts and schools to develop global-ready teachers and students. For more than 25 years, educators have used VIF’s professional development and curriculum, language acquisition and cultural exchange teacher programs to create engaging learning environments that integrate technology, cultural literacy and other 21st century skills into classroom instruction. VIF is a certified B Corp and ‘Best for the World’ honoree headquartered in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
WASHINGTON (August 23, 2015)—Released today, the 47th Annual PDK/Gallup Poll shows that most Americans believe there’s too much emphasis on standardized testing in public schools. Following is the statement of Paige Kowalski, Vice President of Policy and Advocacy at the Data Quality Campaign, a national nonprofit that advocates for the safe, effective use of education data to improve student achievement:
“Within one week, we have seen two major polls with different conclusions about the public’s opinion toward testing. Regardless of their contradictory findings, it’s clear we need to have a conversation about how the information from tests is used.
“The backlash against student testing came about because teachers and families have traditionally gotten little value from it. Evidence suggests this is changing, but tests need to give parents more than a number that lacks context or meaning.
“Effective testing produces information that’s useful in classrooms and at kitchen tables, information that helps parents answer questions about their children’s education like, ‘Is my child on track to graduate college and career ready?’ and ‘How does my child’s school compare to other schools, so that I can make the best choice about my child’s education?’
“Of course, tests are just one piece of the data puzzle, and the PDK/Gallup Poll shows that the public agrees. To help create a full picture of their child’s learning, parents also need data beyond test scores, like examples of student work and written observations by the teacher.
“Good testing also provides information that educators can use to adjust their instruction and administrators to adjust curricula and the use of time, training, and talent to improve student achievement. Failing to ensure this key information is in the hands of educators and families means we’re not seeing the real value of testing.”
The Data Quality Campaign is a national, nonprofit organization leading the effort to bring every part of the education community together to empower educators, parents, and policymakers with quality information to make decisions that ensure students achieve their best. For more information, go and follow us on Twitter @EdDataCampaign.
Book Review: NIV Proclamation Bible
Disclaimer: I received a product to review. All opinions are my own.
I have always loved bibles. Every time I have had a chance to try a new translation, I do it. As a teenager, I took several summer bible courses and was encouraged to read scripture in different translations because sometimes you realize what a verse is saying by choosing a different translation. I would pull all of my bibles out and spread them on the table when I would study scripture. Even doing this, the one thing I was missing was a bible to read daily. To get my daily scripture reading in, I wanted an "easy read" bible, but never found what I was looking for, until now!
The NIV Proclamation Bible was just what I needed to read daily. I love reading this bible in the morning or before bed. It gives me the scripture I need to get through the day and to end the day with, in an easy to read format. This has become my favorite study bible. I also love comparing it to the KJV, especially when it is a difficult scripture to study.
"The NIV Proclamation Bible is remarkable for how well it puts the highest quality biblical scholarship at the Bible student's fingertips in such a clear, penetrating and accessible form. There are many study Bibles on the market right now, but none better." -Tim Keller
The extras included in this bible are amazing. I love the historical narrative, that gives you a look deeper into what life was like in biblical times, which can really help one understand the bible more. It also includes theology essays, which I really enjoyed because Theology has always been one of my favorite subjects. In fact, I will minor in religious studies when I return to finish my bachelor's degree. The overviews of apocalyptic literature draw me in as well. Studying Revelations has always been a favorite of mine, and I love seeing how it reflects on the rest of the Bible. The NIV Proclamation bible gives an amazing wealth of knowledge, as 65 expert bible teachers have contributed essays and other tidbits.
This bible stays in my Bible basket (along with the kids' bibles and their bible story books) for easy access to promote reading the Bible daily I'm sure it will become your favorite companion as well.
Homeschool Resource: Space Racers
Disclaimer: I received a product to review. All opinions are my own.
Tbomb is a little obsessed with space, so I try to bring as much into our homeschool lessons as possible, so when I was given the opportunity to review Space Racers, I was quite excited.

SPACE RACERS® is an original animated TV series that provides young children with exposure to key aspects of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, curriculum. Produced in collaboration with NASA experts, the series follows a group of talented young spaceship cadets at the Stardust Bay Space Academy. Kids will travel with speedy Eagle, strong Hawk, smart Robyn, brave Starling and competitive Raven as they soar through the Solar System learning about the power of scientific investigation and observation, the wonders of space exploration and the importance of working as a team.
The Space Racers Educator’s Toolkit, developed in cooperation with WNET Education, includes a DVD with 13 animated episodes, 4 live-action segments, and a CD-ROM filled with corresponding Lesson Plans and Family Activities. These resources are ideal for kids in grades Pre-K through 3rd grade.
Tbomb is a little obsessed with space, so I try to bring as much into our homeschool lessons as possible, so when I was given the opportunity to review Space Racers, I was quite excited.

SPACE RACERS® is an original animated TV series that provides young children with exposure to key aspects of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, curriculum. Produced in collaboration with NASA experts, the series follows a group of talented young spaceship cadets at the Stardust Bay Space Academy. Kids will travel with speedy Eagle, strong Hawk, smart Robyn, brave Starling and competitive Raven as they soar through the Solar System learning about the power of scientific investigation and observation, the wonders of space exploration and the importance of working as a team.
The Space Racers Educator’s Toolkit, developed in cooperation with WNET Education, includes a DVD with 13 animated episodes, 4 live-action segments, and a CD-ROM filled with corresponding Lesson Plans and Family Activities. These resources are ideal for kids in grades Pre-K through 3rd grade.
Space Racers is available in most of the country on public television, in over 25 countries, and is even now streaming on Netflix.
Tbomb gets so excited when it is time to watch Space Racers, in fact- I have put several episodes on his tablet so that he can watch them when he wants. He loves their personalities and I love that they are teaching teamwork and space at the same time. They even learn about scientific investigation.
Space Racers is now the cartoon I put on when Tbomb has friends over and it is time to calm down. Because of this, most of their moms have started streaming it for them. This is one of our favorite resources this year. He even asked me to make it an option in his popsicle stick activity jar (he chooses 3 activities a day).
Press Release: Education Advocates Condemn Discussion Around Public Education in Campbell Brown’s New Hampshire Education Summit
Yesterday, former CNN anchor Campbell Brown held an education summit in New Hampshire, where she interviewed six Republican presidential candidates about their stances on K-12 public education.
Keron Blair, Director at The Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (AROS), a coalition of parents, students, educators and community members, issued the following statement in response:
“While parents, teachers and students of an AROS member organization in Chicago are hunger-striking to keep their only neighborhood high school open--and to keep it open as a high-quality sustainable community school--the Republican candidates are dodging questions and promoting corporate interests in public schools that are at the root of school closures and underinvestment in public schools. Public schools are a public trust. They should be among the highest investment priority for every candidate in every party. And they should be invested in with the same loving thoughtfulness and ambition in every zip code of the country.”
The Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (AROS) is a national community/labor table of organizations of parents, students, teachers and community members who are fighting for the public schools our children deserve.
Science City Now Has One of the Largest Installations of 3D Printers, Supporting Growing Demand for STEAM Education
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (August 4, 2015) — Ultimaker, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of 3D printers, based in the Netherlands, recently gifted nine new 3D printers valued at nearly $21,000, to the Maker Studio at Kansas City's Science Center, Science City.
The printers have been added to the existing six Ultimaker2 models currently utilized in the Maker Studio, bringing the overall total to 15. In addition to three more Ultimaker2's, the newly donated models include the Ultimaker2 Extended, a 30-centimeter tall printer designed for complex prints and Ultimaker2 Go, the company's smallest, lightweight printer. The generous donation will allow better support of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) education during walk-up workshops and demos, school field trips, professional development programs for teachers, special events such as Make48™ - the 48 hour invent-a-thon weekend scheduled for October 2-4 at Science City - and more.
“We are excited to bring our new Ultimaker 3D printers to the Maker Studio,” Iris Smeekes, Ultimaker representative, said. “3D printers are an excellent new learning tool and now everyone that comes into the Maker Studio can experience this new technology."
“We couldn't be more grateful to Ultimaker for this tremendous gift,” Luis Rodriguez, Maker Studio manager, said. “These easy-to-use and reliable machines will allow us to serve more children, adults, and families in the Greater Kansas City metro area. With these models, we not only have the ability to print items up to one foot tall but most importantly, because of their size, we gain the portability that will make it even easier to deliver and support Science City's hands-on programming."
Thanks to this donation, Science City now boasts having one of the largest installations of 3D printers in one education-focused, publically accessible location.
“Donations like these validate that companies all over the world have taken note of the Science Center's ability to deliver leading-edge programming,” Jerry Baber, executive vice president and COO of Union Station Kansas City Incorporated, said. “We can't thank Ultimaker enough for helping us promote STEAM education and entrepreneurship to the 200,000 annual Science City visitors and beyond."
For more information on the Ultimaker 3D printers, visit
To make plans to visit Maker Studio, visit
About Union Station Kansas City, Inc.
Union Station Kansas City is a historical landmark and civic asset renovated and reopened to the public in 1999. The organization, driven by its mission of science and history education and entertainment hosts a variety of world-class traveling exhibits and annual community events and celebrations. Union Station is home to several permanent attractions, including Kansas City’s Science Center; the popular Model Railroad Experience; the Arvin Gottlieb Planetarium; the Regnier Extreme Screen Theatre, the region’s largest screen 3D movie theater; H&R Block City Stage featuring live theater, and a selection of unique shops and restaurants. Union Station is also home to prominent area civic organizations and businesses. Visit for details.About Ultimaker
Founded in 2011 by three Dutch makers who invented the original Ultimaker, the leading European 3D printer manufacturer has since received multiple global awards and positive industry product reviews. Most recently, the company was awarded best in shootout 2015 in the established Make Magazine and best Consumer Product at the 3D Printshow Global Awards 2014. Committed to making 3D printing better, faster and simpler, the Ultimaker is designed to print larger objects, while the 3D printer itself only occupies a small space on the desktop. Ultimaker strives to participate in the scene instead of being a corporate entity. As one of the most successful open source companies, Ultimaker works very closely with its community to create a personal fabrication revolution. For more information, please visit
Constitution Day is September 17th: 5 Interesting Facts
The Constitution is something I loved studying while I was in school. In fact, this one document is what got me interested in politics, causing me to minor in political studies. I actually used to carry a pocket Constitution in my purse, and loved when someone challenged me on what is actually in the Constitution and what it means. I also enjoy studying the time in which it was written and how it is all related, yet it still remains relevant. This is just a little about why I'm excited for Constitution Day and why I cannot wait for my littles to be old enough to start learning about it.
I was sent this awesome email that I want to share with you all today.
1. September 17 is Constitution Day.
The late Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a Constitution enthusiast and a skilled parliamentarian, struck a blow for constitutional literacy a few years ago when he slipped a rider into an appropriation act that required an annual celebration of the Constitution by federal agencies and by educational institutions that receive federal funds.
The law requires that on Constitution Day (September 17) every federal department and agency “provide educational and training materials concerning the United States Constitution to each employee.” Furthermore, every educational institution that receives federal funds for a fiscal year “shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the educational institution."
2. Only three errors in the Constitution have ever been discovered, and Dr. Henry Bain himself found one of them.
Congress committed each error as it prepared an amendment for adoption. By “error” this means something that is incorrect and was not intended by the Congress that drafted the constitutional text. Though scholars and lawmakers have been scrutinizing the Constitution minutely for a long time, it appears that nobody had noticed this second mistake until Dr. Bain pointed it out. The error appears in the 17th Amendment on election of senators.
3. The Supreme Court’s little-appreciated role in the repeal of constitutional text.
We all know how text gets added to the Constitution–an amendment is proposed by two thirds of each house of Congress, and approved by three-quarters of the states, as provided by Article V. But what about the opposite process, in which text is removed from the document? That is an important part of the process of constitutional development, but it is nowhere spelled out for us.
The short answer is that text can be subtracted by amendment just as it can be added. That was done in the case of the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed the Eighteenth (Prohibition) Amendment. But little attention has been paid to an alternative method. The Supreme Court can do the job!
Here two instances of such removal of text by the Court. One of these is the language in the Fifth Amendment that establishes a right for persons accused of crime: they can only be prosecuted if a grand jury votes an indictment or presentment. In fact, we all have a stronger right than this text suggests, because presentments have never been much used, even in the early days of the Republic, and they have been prohibited since 1946 by the federal rules of criminal procedure, approved by the Supreme Court. So no matter how heinous your transgression, you don’t have to worry about a federal prosecutor coming after you with a presentment that he has gotten a grand jury to approve. The Constitution’s mention of them is a dead letter.
Another example of the Supreme Court trimming the Constitution is in the Twenty-fourth Amendment (1964), outlawing the poll tax, where there is an interesting limitation. The amendment applies only to voting for federal offices: presidential electors, senators, and representatives. To get it adopted, its sponsors had to exclude all state and local offices.
4. James Madison tried and failed to secure a well-organized Constitution: the story of the first ten amendments.
James Madison, elected a representative in the First Congress, felt an urgent need to obtain amendments that would guarantee Americans’ basic rights. The task was not easy, since many of the Federalist members of Congress, who were a large majority, thought this a needless distraction from their efforts to get the new government running–establish courts, secure revenue, etc. The anti-Federalists were totally opposed–they were demanding many amendments, but these were attempts to weaken the new national government, not to protect rights. Madison crafted a set of twelve amendments, to be inserted at appropriate points in the constitutional text, and succeeded in getting the package approved in a preliminary vote by the House of Representatives. But the vote was too close for comfort. (In the final vote, a two-thirds vote would be needed.)
In the House debate, a big obstacle to Madison’s project was revealed when Roger Sherman of Connecticut, who had been a member of the Constitutional Convention, spoke strongly against Madison’s proposal, complaining that it was not proper for Congress to intrude into the text recently composed by the Convention and approved by the states. Any amendments should be placed at the end of the document, he declared. Sherman did not confine himself to speechmaking. When the anti-Federalists asked for a full debate on their numerous resolutions (a project viewed with horror by all good Federalists), he voted with them, and brought another Connecticut member along with him on the vote.
In the face of this tactic, Madison yielded and placed the whole package of amendments at the end of the constitutional text, where they became the first ten amendments.
5. As much as 20% of the Constitution is now considered obsolete or no longer used.
While it is extremely important to learn about our history’s past, it is also necessary to learn what parts of the Constitution are and aren’t still in place today.
This widespread obsolescence sometimes affects entire paragraphs or amendments (the Eighteenth Amendment, imposing Prohibition) and sometimes tiny parts of sentences (the language making it clear that the Constitution covers treaties made before 1788). When we have taken account of all the pieces of obsolete text, large and small, we find that more than one-fifth of the document is now obsolete and ready for a museum.
Now that the Constitution is accessible, Dr. Bain hopes that students, kids, and even activists and citizens will be able to understand the Constitution in its own words, without the need for commentary or paraphrase.
This amazing, one-of-a-kind modernization of the United States’ supreme law gives readers a better understanding of:
I was sent this awesome email that I want to share with you all today.
5 Interesting Things To Know About Constitution Day
1. September 17 is Constitution Day.
The late Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a Constitution enthusiast and a skilled parliamentarian, struck a blow for constitutional literacy a few years ago when he slipped a rider into an appropriation act that required an annual celebration of the Constitution by federal agencies and by educational institutions that receive federal funds.
The law requires that on Constitution Day (September 17) every federal department and agency “provide educational and training materials concerning the United States Constitution to each employee.” Furthermore, every educational institution that receives federal funds for a fiscal year “shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the educational institution."
2. Only three errors in the Constitution have ever been discovered, and Dr. Henry Bain himself found one of them.
Congress committed each error as it prepared an amendment for adoption. By “error” this means something that is incorrect and was not intended by the Congress that drafted the constitutional text. Though scholars and lawmakers have been scrutinizing the Constitution minutely for a long time, it appears that nobody had noticed this second mistake until Dr. Bain pointed it out. The error appears in the 17th Amendment on election of senators.
3. The Supreme Court’s little-appreciated role in the repeal of constitutional text.
We all know how text gets added to the Constitution–an amendment is proposed by two thirds of each house of Congress, and approved by three-quarters of the states, as provided by Article V. But what about the opposite process, in which text is removed from the document? That is an important part of the process of constitutional development, but it is nowhere spelled out for us.
The short answer is that text can be subtracted by amendment just as it can be added. That was done in the case of the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed the Eighteenth (Prohibition) Amendment. But little attention has been paid to an alternative method. The Supreme Court can do the job!
Here two instances of such removal of text by the Court. One of these is the language in the Fifth Amendment that establishes a right for persons accused of crime: they can only be prosecuted if a grand jury votes an indictment or presentment. In fact, we all have a stronger right than this text suggests, because presentments have never been much used, even in the early days of the Republic, and they have been prohibited since 1946 by the federal rules of criminal procedure, approved by the Supreme Court. So no matter how heinous your transgression, you don’t have to worry about a federal prosecutor coming after you with a presentment that he has gotten a grand jury to approve. The Constitution’s mention of them is a dead letter.
Another example of the Supreme Court trimming the Constitution is in the Twenty-fourth Amendment (1964), outlawing the poll tax, where there is an interesting limitation. The amendment applies only to voting for federal offices: presidential electors, senators, and representatives. To get it adopted, its sponsors had to exclude all state and local offices.
4. James Madison tried and failed to secure a well-organized Constitution: the story of the first ten amendments.
James Madison, elected a representative in the First Congress, felt an urgent need to obtain amendments that would guarantee Americans’ basic rights. The task was not easy, since many of the Federalist members of Congress, who were a large majority, thought this a needless distraction from their efforts to get the new government running–establish courts, secure revenue, etc. The anti-Federalists were totally opposed–they were demanding many amendments, but these were attempts to weaken the new national government, not to protect rights. Madison crafted a set of twelve amendments, to be inserted at appropriate points in the constitutional text, and succeeded in getting the package approved in a preliminary vote by the House of Representatives. But the vote was too close for comfort. (In the final vote, a two-thirds vote would be needed.)
In the House debate, a big obstacle to Madison’s project was revealed when Roger Sherman of Connecticut, who had been a member of the Constitutional Convention, spoke strongly against Madison’s proposal, complaining that it was not proper for Congress to intrude into the text recently composed by the Convention and approved by the states. Any amendments should be placed at the end of the document, he declared. Sherman did not confine himself to speechmaking. When the anti-Federalists asked for a full debate on their numerous resolutions (a project viewed with horror by all good Federalists), he voted with them, and brought another Connecticut member along with him on the vote.
In the face of this tactic, Madison yielded and placed the whole package of amendments at the end of the constitutional text, where they became the first ten amendments.
5. As much as 20% of the Constitution is now considered obsolete or no longer used.
While it is extremely important to learn about our history’s past, it is also necessary to learn what parts of the Constitution are and aren’t still in place today.
This widespread obsolescence sometimes affects entire paragraphs or amendments (the Eighteenth Amendment, imposing Prohibition) and sometimes tiny parts of sentences (the language making it clear that the Constitution covers treaties made before 1788). When we have taken account of all the pieces of obsolete text, large and small, we find that more than one-fifth of the document is now obsolete and ready for a museum.
Now that the Constitution is accessible, Dr. Bain hopes that students, kids, and even activists and citizens will be able to understand the Constitution in its own words, without the need for commentary or paraphrase.
This amazing, one-of-a-kind modernization of the United States’ supreme law gives readers a better understanding of:
- The powers vested in each branch of the federal government
- The role of the states in our federal system
- The Amendments to the Constitution
- The meaning of antiquated terms and grammatical forms
- The vision that molded our country to what it is today
For the first time ever, America’s most important document has been reassembled for a modern audience in The Constitution of the United States of America: Modern Edition edited by Dr. Henry Bain.
Cheerios Heroes: Try A Different Flavor For Free with Publix BoGo #CheeriosFunFlavors #Giveaway #Coupon
I don't know about you guys, but Cheerios are a staple in my house. I love Honey Nut Cheerios and Peanut Butter Cheerios, but Kodabug will not anything but Milti-Grain Cheerios (she won't even eat other cereals.) She could eat them all day long and never get tired of them. In fact, I keep her snack bowl stocked with them for when we are out an about, when she visits her Nanny, or when I need to grab her a quick snack. Tbomb will pretty much eat any of them. I love that I can give my kids a quick and easy snack or breakfast that is also healthy. Cheerios are heroes to me!
(P.S. Be sure to read to the bottom for fun tips on a family movie night and a giveaway)
A photo posted by cari (@cari_on) on
When I found out that Publix was offering a BOGO coupon on ReadyPlanSave, I knew I had to get in on that. I printed out some coupons and hopped on over to Publix to try some new #CheeriosFunFlavors. We decided on Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Frosted, and of course had to get Koda's favorite- multi-grain. I have a secret for you- if you head to Publix between August 13 and September 2, there are exclusive in-store savings as well.
A photo posted by cari (@cari_on) on
We decided to have a special snack and movie night with our new fun Cheerios. This is something we do a lot. We will empty out the snack/ lunch cabinet, throw out the old stuff, and have snack night with the stuff that has already been opened. This usually consists of marshmallows, chocolate chips, peanut butter, and other random lunch and snack fixings we've picked up. I thought this would be pretty fun to do with the Cheerios. I was definitely right.
We made Cheerios trail mix to watch All Dogs Go To Heaven (Tbomb is still struggling with the loss of one of our dogs and this movie seems to help). I think this was the most fun the kids and I have had in a while. I was super duper easy to do too!
Grab some paper lunch sacks, all of your goodies, some big bowls, and you have all you need. I poured the options into the bowls so the kids could help themselves easier. We had all four #CheeriosFunFlavors that I picked up, marshmallows, chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, and dried apples. Tbomb had the added option of peanuts and various candies (Koda is still too small for that). We did it like an assembly line and the kids had so much fun making their own snack. (Koda had help, of course). We then piled up in the living room with blankets and pillows for a family movie night.
Get The Coupon:
Starting August 15th, there is a buy one get one free coupon available on for Cheerios at Publix. Head on over and grab the coupon. Get your favorite flavor and try a new one for free! It can't get better than that!Win $10 via PayPal:
This giveaway is pretty simple- just follow the directions and you might just be the next winner!1. Visit the Cheerios website and check out the yummy flavors.
2. Grab the coupon from ReadyPlanSave
3. Come back and leave a comment letting me know which new flavor you want to try and whch recipes you would like to create with them. (This is your official entry).
A winner will be chosen September 2, 2015 (Koda's 2nd Birthday!)
Disclosure: The information, products, and giftcards were provided by General Mills through Linqia
Book Review: Capture The Moment
Disclaimer: I recieved a product to review. All opinions are my own.
Capture the Moment: The Modern Photographer's Guide to Finding Beauty in Everyday and Family Life by Sarah Wilkerson ($15.86 Amazon) is an awesome guide for moms trying to capture every day moments. This book features some of the most gorgeous family moment photos I have ever seen. It is a collection of photos from some of the industry's leaders. chock full of inspiration and tips, this book is perfect for the parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle wanting to capture moments from first day home, to first day of school, to birthdays, and graduations.
Clickin Moms is contributing 100 percent of the royalties from Capture the Moment to the Ronald McDonald House, which provides accommodation for the families of seriously ill or injured children near the facility where a child is hospitalized.
This book features bold photography paired with short, easy to understand tips that will assist any photographer, no matter their level. Some of the tips included revolve around cameras and equipment, lighting, posing, and it even includes assignments to help you embrace the tips.
There are over 100 contributors to this book, giving you a range of tips and experience.
Fight For Fin #Giveaway
The story of baby Finn and the Blumenthal family is one of hope, strength, and courage that resonates deeply within all of us.
Kelly had just discovered she was pregnant with a child who had little to no chance at life due to potentially terminal heart defects. The Blumenthal family had to make plans to terminate the pregnancy based on the recommendation from doctors who conveyed the severity of the baby’s condition and his inevitable fate.
After watching Stephanie share her heart and story on Shark Tank, however, Kelly was renewed with a sense of purpose and drive to see her little one survive and give him a chance at life. Stephanie shared Kelly’s story on the Zipadee-Zip Facebook page and their Sleeping Baby Fans surrounded the family in an overwhelming outpouring of prayer and support during the pregnancy.
Finn is now 5 months old and is ALIVE, well and pretty darn ADORABLE too! In many respects, the Blumenthal family has since become part of the Parker family and they hold a special place in the hearts and prayers of tens of thousands of the Sleeping Baby Fans.
Fight for Finn Giveaway
Sleeping Baby wants to thank their fans for their outpouring of prayer and support with a very special Fight for Finn Giveaway!5 lucky winners will be chosen to receive a Zipadee-Zip of their choice and 10 winners will receive a Little Sailor teether.
Enter through the Rafflecopter below!
a Rafflecopter giveawayOrder the Limited Edition "Finn" Zipadee-Zip & Flying Squirrel Now!
Watch the Finn Video!
Please Help Share the Video!
5 Minute DIY: Pretty To Do & Goals Chart #Freebie #FreePrintable
It's that time of year- when school is starting back and us moms can get back to a normal routine. Although we homeschool, it is still that way for me. We have a more normal routine, so working is back to normal.
With this fresh start, this is my favorite time to really get organized and work on my goals. I'll actually be doing a series on this soon. I want to share a free printable with you guys today that can help you out with that. I'm sure you remember this desktop background from a couple of weeks ago. Well, I've turned it into a printable.
With this fresh start, this is my favorite time to really get organized and work on my goals. I'll actually be doing a series on this soon. I want to share a free printable with you guys today that can help you out with that. I'm sure you remember this desktop background from a couple of weeks ago. Well, I've turned it into a printable.
There are a couple of ways you can do this. You can laminate it and use a dry erase marker on it, or you can trim the edges and put it in a photo frame (a cheap black one from the dollar store would be perfect). When I do mine, I am going to write headings in the black with a white paint pen. You could also use a white window marker and change them as you need to.
If you download this freebie, please let me know what you think and how you use it.
Note: If you share, please send to this blog post, not the file itself. Thanks!
Summer Fiesta Tips: Rock Your Mini Fiesta, Store Guacamole, and #CashGiveaway + Publix Old El Paso Coupons
Here in South Carolina, the heat has been turned way up. We are spending our days inside and sitting on the porch or in the backyard in the evenings. Honestly, it has even been too hot to get in the pool. School starts for Owl Creek Academy (our homeschool) next week, so I was wanting to do something fun for the kids before we head into our busy season. Well, why not have a mini #SummerFiesta?! I looked up some fiesta recipes, avocado recipes, and Publix Old El Paso coupons and got my creative juices flowing.
We decided to cook up some yummies on the grill, do some crafts with the kids, and relax by the fire pit. It was a success and I learned a lot. I have wanted to learn how to make guacamole for a while now, but never actually taken the time to do it, so what better time than for the #SummerFiesta?
We keep a lot of Old El Paso items on hand, so I only had to pick a few things up while I was at Publix- the main thing being some gorgeous avocados.
Rock Your Mini Fiesta
You don't have to throw an all out party to have some #SummerFiesta fun. Gather the family and food for a relaxing evening by the pool, fire pit, woods, or in the back yard. As long as you have food and family, everything else falls into place. If you ant to add a little more party flair, here are some simple things you can do.
- String up some battery operated outdoor lights- or just put them in a bowl to light the table.
- Use a bright colored table cloth
- Have the kids make some maracas out of things you have around the house. We put dry beans in little milk containers (like come in kids' meals) and let them decorate them. You can also use plastic easter eggs, yogurt containers with lids, or even creamer containers.
- Use a music app like Pandora to look up mariachi bands and listen throughout the night.
- Get help from Old El Paso: Old El Paso makes every thing you need to make your #SummerFiesta a success. From seasonings, refried beans, chilies, and even taco boats. They are your number one resource for making your fiesta as fun as possible. They've been doing this since 1917. Check out these Publix Old El Paso coupons to save on your next fiesta.
Storing Guacamole
I looked at several recipes to try for guacamole and knew I'd better stick with a pretty simple one. My favorite is the Rockin' Guac from the Avocados from Mexico Site. It was simpler than I thought it would be and oh so yummy!
Since this recipe was so simple and yummy, I'm going to stick with it. I thought I'd share some tips for storing guacamole so that it stays fresh. Why not whip up a batch to last a few days. It makes a great spread for sandwiches and add in for salads.
From all my research on how to store guacamole so that it doesn't turn brown, there was one solution that stuck out from the rest and it worked for me. You can store guacamole and it will stay green for up to 3 days if you do this.
- Put your guacamole (freshly made) in a bowl that has an air-tight lid.
- Compact the guacamole down so there are no air pockets in the guacamole.
- Pour 1/2 inch of lukewarm water on top of the guacamole
- Pop the lid on and put it in the fridge.
- When you get ready to use it, pour the water off the top and stir.
- Easy Peasy
Now, if you are looking to store Avocados that have been cut, spread lemon juice on the surface and press plastic wrap tight onto the surface. I would also put it in a bowl with an air-tight lid. Depending on how long you store it, you may need to scrape a little brown off.
Did you know that Americans consume 1.4 billion pounds of guacamole a year? Avocados from Mexico are very versatile- smash it, dice it, slice it, grill it. The possibilities are endless. Want even more avocado recipes? Visit this site.
Save For Your #SummerFiesta
Visit ReadyPlanSave for some awesome Publix Old El Paso coupons to get your #SummerFiesta sizzling! You ca save $1 when you buy 3 Old El Paso items.
Cash Giveaway
You can win $10 to help throw your own #SummerFiesta! Entering is super simple too!
All you have to do is visit the Old El Paso website and comment below telling me what recipe you would like to try. While you're there, I'd love to know what your favorite twist on guacamole is.
A winner will be chosen August 20, 2015. Be sure to leave your email address so you can get your winnings via PayPal. Good Luck!
Disclosure: The information, products and gift cards were provided by General Mills through Linqia.
Why We Homeschool
I have been asked a countless number of times why we made the decision to homeschool and so many traditional school parents seem to think we made the decision on a whim. We didn't. The Mr. and I starting talking about our options for school before Tbomb was even born. We discussed it for a couple of years before we ever made a decision. Some are very personal reasons stemming from both of us having bad experiences in the public school system (although we were both good students). Other reasons are more concrete.
Today, I'm going to share 10 of those reasons with you. I'm not trying to convince you to homeschool or not to homeschool. Every family is different and every family has a different "best thing".
1. It is what feels right in our hearts. We were on the homeschool side from the beginning and our feelings just never changed.
2. We are invested in our children's future more than any teacher could ever be.
3. We know that children will do what is expected of them. If we expect them to behave, learn, succeed, they will. Believing in our children is a must and so many teachers do not have that outlook- many start the school year off believing that some kids will fail and that is unacceptable.
4. There are things being taught in schools that we strongly disagree with and instead of expose our children to that and try to reverse it, let's just skip that all together.
5. I'm not getting into all of the details, I'll just say the majority of the "rumors" about homeschooling are myths and most homeschooled children are more well-rounded and do better on testing.
6. Children are sponges and soak everything up- from teachings and ideals to behavior and bullying. We want to have more control over what our children learn and pick up than the schools.
7. I was told by a local school board employee (Oconee County, SC) to dumb my child down- that he had no reason to know how to write at 3 years old. Excuse me, but if he wants to do it, then who am I to hinder him?
8. We are selfish, want nothing but the best for our kids, and want to spend as much time with them as we can while we can.
9. Tbomb knew his alphabet, could recognize each letter, and make the sounds they make before he was two- just from us working with him. We knew then that we were doing something right. Now, he is 4 and can read some, write his letters and numbers, and even do some math.
10. We love seeing the looks on their faces when they learn something new.
What are your reasons for homeschooling/ not homeschooling?
Homeschool Tip:
Teach Mental Math to Kids through Games. A life changing program converts Math Haters into Math Lovers. NO Need to Travel. Learn to Teach Fast Math/ Mental Math to Kids through games from Home
Today, I'm going to share 10 of those reasons with you. I'm not trying to convince you to homeschool or not to homeschool. Every family is different and every family has a different "best thing".
1. It is what feels right in our hearts. We were on the homeschool side from the beginning and our feelings just never changed.
2. We are invested in our children's future more than any teacher could ever be.
3. We know that children will do what is expected of them. If we expect them to behave, learn, succeed, they will. Believing in our children is a must and so many teachers do not have that outlook- many start the school year off believing that some kids will fail and that is unacceptable.
4. There are things being taught in schools that we strongly disagree with and instead of expose our children to that and try to reverse it, let's just skip that all together.
5. I'm not getting into all of the details, I'll just say the majority of the "rumors" about homeschooling are myths and most homeschooled children are more well-rounded and do better on testing.
6. Children are sponges and soak everything up- from teachings and ideals to behavior and bullying. We want to have more control over what our children learn and pick up than the schools.
7. I was told by a local school board employee (Oconee County, SC) to dumb my child down- that he had no reason to know how to write at 3 years old. Excuse me, but if he wants to do it, then who am I to hinder him?
8. We are selfish, want nothing but the best for our kids, and want to spend as much time with them as we can while we can.
9. Tbomb knew his alphabet, could recognize each letter, and make the sounds they make before he was two- just from us working with him. We knew then that we were doing something right. Now, he is 4 and can read some, write his letters and numbers, and even do some math.
10. We love seeing the looks on their faces when they learn something new.
What are your reasons for homeschooling/ not homeschooling?
Homeschool Tip:
Teach Mental Math to Kids through Games. A life changing program converts Math Haters into Math Lovers. NO Need to Travel. Learn to Teach Fast Math/ Mental Math to Kids through games from Home
Back To School #Giveaway from Fresh Families #BoogieBackToSchool
Back to School is coming fast, and I’m teaming up with some of my favorite brands and bloggers to offer a huge back to school giveaway!
Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm ET on Wednesday, August 19, 2015. Entrants must be residents of the United States or Canada. Promotion is void in Quebec. Backpacks, mommy clutch and contents will vary from those pictured.
Three winners will take home a backpack loaded with school supplies - including Boogie Wipes. Plus a mommy clutch - full of everything mom needs to make the start of the school year as easy as possible - including a $25 Target gift card, a $25 Starbucks gift card, Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus, a Dreft Stain Stick and Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator.
Make Back to School Simple with Fresh Families Brands
Bracing yourself for the back to school sniffles that seem inevitable this time of year? Boogie Wipes to the rescue! Click here to grab a coupon, and be sure to stack your savings at Target to save an additional 5% with the Cartwheel app. Dreading having to iron those school uniforms and T-shirts every morning? Meet your new iron - Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus. You're going to love it! Click here for a coupon. Have no doubt that your kids will slop some lunch on their brand new school clothes? Arm them with the Dreft To-Go Instant Stain Remover Pen! Click here for a coupon. Already gagging when you think about having to wash those smelly gym clothes? You'll be shouting #BringtheStink with the new Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator. Click here for a $2 coupon. Complete the form below for a chance to win all of these products - plus more!Enter to Win!
Complete the form below to enter to win!Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm ET on Wednesday, August 19, 2015. Entrants must be residents of the United States or Canada. Promotion is void in Quebec. Backpacks, mommy clutch and contents will vary from those pictured.
5 Ways That PowerPoint Presentations Improve Your Sales Process
When business professionals prepare sales presentations, there are certain common elements that they all use to help close the deal. When it comes to critical parts of sales pitches, few things are more important than custom PowerPoint presentations. Since your competition is also using PowerPoint presentations to motivate the same customers, you want to have a professional service such as eSlide create your presentations to help set you apart. There are many ways that good PowerPoint presentations enhance your sales efforts and a professional presentation developer can increase your results.
A good visual element to your presentation can help your customer to envision your product in action and bring you closer to making the sale. PowerPoint presentations can contain helpful diagrams and images that will help you to close the deal.
A professional presentation company will include stunning visuals in your pitch that can help to keep your audience engaged. When you have good images in your presentation, you can help to break up the verbal part of the presentation and make it easier for your audience to pay attention.
When you can show your audience what you are talking about, then you can eliminate the need for questions that can slow your presentation down and make it less effective. By developing a synergy between your verbal and visual presentations, you can answer questions before they are asked and maintain the flow of your sales pitch.
There are subconscious benefits to a good PowerPoint presentation that you can use to your advantage. When your customer sees your company logo and name on every presentation slide, that logo and name become hard for the customer to forget. When you have a professional organization develop your presentations for you, the experts can place your logo and name in such a way that it will constantly reinforce your brand to your clients.
It is inevitable that your audience will blurt out questions during your presentation and that can become distracting. But with the help of a well-organized PowerPoint presentation, you can stay on track and make the most of your time.
The sales process starts with a successful sales pitch using a well-designed PowerPoint presentation designed by experts. With the right slideshow at your disposal, you will significantly increase your chances of making the sale.
Visuals Are Very Powerful
A good visual element to your presentation can help your customer to envision your product in action and bring you closer to making the sale. PowerPoint presentations can contain helpful diagrams and images that will help you to close the deal.
Visuals Break Up The Presentation
A professional presentation company will include stunning visuals in your pitch that can help to keep your audience engaged. When you have good images in your presentation, you can help to break up the verbal part of the presentation and make it easier for your audience to pay attention.
Answer Questions Before They Are Asked
When you can show your audience what you are talking about, then you can eliminate the need for questions that can slow your presentation down and make it less effective. By developing a synergy between your verbal and visual presentations, you can answer questions before they are asked and maintain the flow of your sales pitch.
Reinforce Your Brand
There are subconscious benefits to a good PowerPoint presentation that you can use to your advantage. When your customer sees your company logo and name on every presentation slide, that logo and name become hard for the customer to forget. When you have a professional organization develop your presentations for you, the experts can place your logo and name in such a way that it will constantly reinforce your brand to your clients.
Stay On Track
It is inevitable that your audience will blurt out questions during your presentation and that can become distracting. But with the help of a well-organized PowerPoint presentation, you can stay on track and make the most of your time.
The sales process starts with a successful sales pitch using a well-designed PowerPoint presentation designed by experts. With the right slideshow at your disposal, you will significantly increase your chances of making the sale.
5 Minute DIY: Recycled Watering Jug
Today's 5 Minute DIY really is super simple. The Mr is a genius and came up with this because none of the watering cans we could find were big enough and the water hose doesn't reach to all of our plants. He needed something larger to water the plants further away with and just couldn't find what would work. Necessity really is the mother of invention!
We always have these kitty litter jugs from Diva's litter box and I just hate throwing them away. Whenever I know someone could use one, I wash it and send it to them. For instance, the Mr's grandmother uses them to water her dog with, so he has plenty of water and she only makes one trip. I kept telling the MR, there had to be something we could use them for. Well, he found the solution!
He took a kitty litter jug (it really doesn't matter what kind), and turned it into a watering jug for the plants, When I saw what he was doing, I stopped him, forced him to let me take pictures, and begged him to let me put it on the blog. Well, he was happy to help me and all of you out.
Here's what he did (seriously- super simple): Take your jug and using an icepick (or screwdriver), poke holes in the upper part of the front [photo below], fill it up with water, put the lid on, and water away. See, isn't he awesome!!!
What would you like to see recycled?
Press Release: Belk and Tiki Hut Partner for “Be Inspired” Fashion Show to Benefit Susan G. Komen
CHARLOTTE, N.C., August 4, 2015 – Belk of Seneca, S.C. will host its fifth annual “Be Inspired” fashion show, featuring breast cancer survivors from the community, and brunch to benefit Susan G. Komen For the Cure. The event will be held September 19 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Tiki Hut Lakeside Grill.
This year’s event features an inspiring group of breast cancer survivors from the community, sharing their stories as they model Belk fashions on the catwalk. Each model is being escorted by a member of Clemson’s Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. There will also be a line-up of guest speakers and local performers.
Tickets for the event are $10 and include a mimosa, brunch on the shores of Lake Keowee provided by the Tiki Hut and the chance to win a variety of door prizes. Participants can purchase raffle tickets for $1 each and enter to win prizes such as a boating package from Keowee Marina and Belk, various Belk kitchen appliances, a special Biltmore getaway package including a two night stay at a Hampton Inn in Asheville, Biltmore Tickets and more. All ticket proceeds will be donated to Susan G. Komen For the Cure.
“We are thrilled to be a part of an event that celebrates local breast cancer survivors and their stories,” said Belk store manager Heather Trevino. “The Oconee community has fully supported this event, from the models and guests participating in the event, to those sharing their time and talents to entertain, to the dozens of local businesses, like the Tiki Hut, that have generously contributed.”
This event is held in conjunction with Belk’s company-wide Susan G. Komen For the Cure fundraising event. In the past four years the “Be Inspired” event alone has contributed over $10,900 locally to raising breast cancer awareness and finding a cure. Belk contributed $411,854 company-wide to Susan G. Komen For the Cure in 2014.
Event and prize tickets are now being sold at the Belk store of Seneca, the Tiki Hut and by community volunteers. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Karen Howlett or Amanda Higginbotham at 864-882-2431.
Belk offers many ways to connect via digital and social media, including Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Google Plus, and provides exclusive offers, fashion updates, sales notifications and coupons via email or mobile phone text messages. Customers can also download the latest Belk mobile apps for the iPad, iPhone or Android.
This year’s event features an inspiring group of breast cancer survivors from the community, sharing their stories as they model Belk fashions on the catwalk. Each model is being escorted by a member of Clemson’s Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. There will also be a line-up of guest speakers and local performers.
Tickets for the event are $10 and include a mimosa, brunch on the shores of Lake Keowee provided by the Tiki Hut and the chance to win a variety of door prizes. Participants can purchase raffle tickets for $1 each and enter to win prizes such as a boating package from Keowee Marina and Belk, various Belk kitchen appliances, a special Biltmore getaway package including a two night stay at a Hampton Inn in Asheville, Biltmore Tickets and more. All ticket proceeds will be donated to Susan G. Komen For the Cure.
“We are thrilled to be a part of an event that celebrates local breast cancer survivors and their stories,” said Belk store manager Heather Trevino. “The Oconee community has fully supported this event, from the models and guests participating in the event, to those sharing their time and talents to entertain, to the dozens of local businesses, like the Tiki Hut, that have generously contributed.”
This event is held in conjunction with Belk’s company-wide Susan G. Komen For the Cure fundraising event. In the past four years the “Be Inspired” event alone has contributed over $10,900 locally to raising breast cancer awareness and finding a cure. Belk contributed $411,854 company-wide to Susan G. Komen For the Cure in 2014.
Event and prize tickets are now being sold at the Belk store of Seneca, the Tiki Hut and by community volunteers. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Karen Howlett or Amanda Higginbotham at 864-882-2431.
About Belk, Inc.
Charlotte, N.C.-based Belk, Inc. ( is the nation's largest family owned and operated department store company with 297 Belk stores located in 16 Southern states and a growing digital presence. Its website offers a wide assortment of national brands and private label fashion apparel, shoes and accessories for the entire family along with top name cosmetics, a wedding registry and a large selection of quality merchandise for the home. Founded in 1888 by William Henry Belk in Monroe, N.C., the company is in the third generation of Belk family leadership and has been committed to community involvement since its inception. In the fiscal year ended January 31, 2015, the company and its associates, customers and vendors donated more than $21.5 million to communities within Belk market areas.Belk offers many ways to connect via digital and social media, including Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Google Plus, and provides exclusive offers, fashion updates, sales notifications and coupons via email or mobile phone text messages. Customers can also download the latest Belk mobile apps for the iPad, iPhone or Android.
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