This picture of Tbomb is from when he was about 20 months old. This was Mother's day 2012. Look at that pitiful face. Those red eyes, that red nose. Those chapped lips. Although he was still as adorable as could be, this was the first time he had shown even a hint of being sick.
We went to eat with the whole family at Cracker Barrell and had just arrived when he started feeling bad and it just got worse from there. He ended up cranky, threw his cup across the restaurant. I was lost, this was the first time my baby was sick. His cup landed by the foot of a grandad who was having Mother's day lunch with his family. I went to get up and he nodded for me to stay still, picked up the cup, and gave me the most understanding look I have received from anyone. I told him that I would take Tbomb outside. This nice gentleman insisted I stay. "This is your Mother's Day, just like everyone here, stay and enjoy your lunch," this man told me with a pitiful look in his eye. I did that and then took him outside. Luckily he just ran a fever that night and stayed clingy. The next day, he felt better.
Ever since that day, I have looked for natural, homeopathic, and home remedies for my kids. I hate the thought of putting all those chemicals in them, when there are alternatives. I found some, but most I was not completely happy with what they offered. Then, one day, Marrietta Harrison, founder of Soothie Suckers, contacted me about her product. I eagerly read the email and was soon excited to try them out.
Soothie Suckers were created because Marietta knew there had to be a natural alternative to over the counter medicines. As the mother of 5, she realized that she could do this herself with some research. After all, herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years. With her youngest daughter, she and her husband decided to make their herbal remedies taste good. Soothie Suckers were born when her daughter turned one, with the help of a local herbalist.
Soothie Suckers come in two varieties and two flavors.
- Immune Support (Orange) contains Astragalus Root, Mullein, and Thyme.
- Nasal Support (Grape) contains Echinacea and Pleurisy Root. This is ideal for upper respiratory support.
For facts about each of these ingredients, read here.
Both varieties come in a box of 8 for $9.99.
Soothie Suckers formulas have been reviewed by a team that includes several very experienced clinical natural health practitioners, including 3 professional herbalists. Of course, safety is of the greatest concern with children’ products, and Soothie Suckers has created a selection of benign, useful remedies. Rest easy, Mom. -K.P. KhalsaWhile my kids are very rarely sick, I always want to have on hand what I need to make them feel better. I also need it to taste good so they do not fight me to take it. Some things I have major concerns about are the chemicals in medications, excessive sugar, fillers, and dyes (Tbomb has red dye sensitivity). Thanks to Soothie Suckers, I do not have to worry about these.
I'm also a big supporter of preventative medicine, in the form of immune support and vitamins. When the kids have been around someone sick, or me or their dad are sick, I load them up on goodies. Extra fruits and veggies, orange juice, and now Soothie Suckers (Well Tbomb, Kodabug isn't old enough). This week, my husband has had the flu, so its back to that routine with the kids. Soothie Suckers can even be consumed as a liquid. With this flu battle, I have mixed the orange immune support with Tbomb's juice for breakfast and then let him have a popsicle in the afternoon. I'm happy to announce that neither kid is sick. I'm so happy to see this instead of that first picture. Thanks Soothie Suckers!
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