I am a lover of tomatoes. I love tomatoes, I have often been caught eating them like an apple. I love a freshly cut tomato on an fried egg sandwich, or by itself on a sandwich. As much as I love fresh tomatoes, I do not cook with them. They are too moody and honestly, who can afford to cook with them.
I always have a wide variety of canned tomatoes in the pantry. For example, right now I have puree, crushed, diced, sauce, paste, and stewed. These all serve a different purpose. One of my favorite ways to use them is adding crushed or diced tomatoes to my souped up spaghetti or lasagna recipe. This is like meat and sauce on steroids.
There is no recipe for this. All I do is brown meat (usually ground turkey), add spices, jarred sauce, a can of tomatoes, and whatever I have on hand to spruce it up. Usually this includes mushrooms, black olives, and crushed red pepper flakes. I add in some shredded carrots to add to the nutritional value. The lasagna is the same basic concept, I just use a basic lasagna recipe and add the extra ingredients with the sauce.
Tuttorosso is dedicated to being a resource for home cooks. The company wants to not only inspire home cooks every where to "Celebrate Your Tradition," but to also educate. Different types of canned tomatoes are used for different purposes. They can be used for a base for pasta dished, and even to thicken soups and sauces. There are even tips on the back of their newly designed product labels!
Tuttorosso has launched the "Celebrate our Tradition Contest," to inspire you. They want you to share your inspiration for cooking on their Facebook page. All you have to do is like and post who has been an inspiration in your family cooking tradition and how would you like to celebrate in their honor.
What inspires me? Well, my mother always had these amazing recipes that took all day to cook. I love every bit of it, especially her homemade spaghetti. I would come home from school and smell that she had been cooking my favorite all day. Well, that woman is wonder woman, because there is no way I have the time to spend all day cooking sauce. She inspired me to create my own recipe. So, I did just that. I started sprucing up jarred sauce so that my family could enjoy homemade spaghetti.
All entrants to the Facebook contest will receive a free digital recipe book and one lucky winner will receive a great prize pack.
The winner will receive a $250 prize pack that includes a serving plate, sauce ladle, pasta pot set and heirloom wooden spoon, plus $300 to a dinner celebration of the winner’s choosing!
Hurry, the contest ends May 7th!!! Just head on over to Facebook now!
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