Thanksgiving Prep Made Easy

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, then you have planning to do. Even if you are not cooking, there is still planning to do. The absolute first things to do are to decide which functions you will attend and which days/ times you must be at each location.

For instance, I have my little family, my husband's maternal family, his paternal family, my maternal family, and my immediate family. I have two brothers, one of which lives away, so we have a separate Thanksgiving from the rest. So, my little family must be at 4 dinners besides our own little dinner. Unfortunately, we do not always get to go to everything. However, this year- even if we just have to visit for coffee- we are making it a point to see everyone for Thanksgiving.

The next thing to decide is what you will be taking to each event. Some options (and multiple may be preferred) are listed below- but there are infinite possibilities.

  • Side Dish
  • Dessert
  • Drinks
  • Tableware (if using disposable)
  • Special Coffee
  • Hostess Gift
  • Thank you note *always take one to the host
  • Gift or something special for the Matriarch/ Patriarch of the family 
  • You may even want to volunteer to take the Turkey
I always decide on a desert to take, and usually a side dish as well. Of course I take a thank you note, if not a full fledged hostess gift. Another good thing to do is to contact the host/ hostess to make sure your dish has not already been planned, and to ask if there is anything specific you can bring. 

Plan all of this information out in your planner. Include date/ time to be at which location and what to bring. It is also a good idea to include shopping days (with a sticky list handy to that day), prep days, cooking days, and even days to prepare clothing, gifts, and catch up on household chores. 

This year I am doing a little something extra. I will take items for the family to create something special for the host/ matriarch of the family. 

Here is some thanksgiving planning inspiration:

If you are hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner in your own home (or another location), I wanted to include a few things to remember just for you. Some are just things to consider.

  1. Menu
  2. Guests/ Invitations
  3. Activities for kids
  4. Kids Table
  5. Decor
  6. Tablescape
  7. Disposable/ China
  8. Silverware
  9. Do you have enough seating?
  10. Last minute cleanup scheduled
  11. Will you put the football game on?
  12. Cocktails? 
  13. Location for family pictures 
  14. Thanksgiving book for everyone to sign (I have one from Halmark that can be used each year)
  15. You may be the host, but remember to be friendly, warm, and have fun. 

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