Where Will The Future Take You?

This has been a crazy busy week for me and Paralina Radio. The show has huge news coming, so stay tuned. It has also been one of those weeks where I am so focused on something, I don't really get around to doing other things. So, I'm sharing a poem with you today!

This poem was written by my mother for my little prince on his 1st birthday. I want to share it with you all because it is so amazing and motivating.

*note: when she refers to "Mac," that is my prince's nickname from her. It is short for McCoy. Mac is also son in Irish*

Mom trying to get him to taste his first icecream- he was a little less than 3 months. (and still adorable and so tiny) She also made and designed that "Little Prince" bib for him!

Where Will Your Future Take You?
By April Mobley

Will you crop your hair or let it grow
Wear a cap like Grandaddy pulled low
May the wind of the Rockies toss your hair
While the smell of lavender fills the air
Songs of the meadow lark grace your ears
And your time on Earth span 200 years
May a Pacific sunset light your eyes
And no one ever hurt you with lies
the aroma of low tide sting your nose
While you stand where swamp grass grows
May exotic cuisine pass over your tongue
And you always take time for fun
The weight of the world find your shoulders
Let it give you power to be bolder
May you stroll arm in arm with your love
And your calloused hands caress a dove
Walk confidently into your future, Mac
And remember never, ever look back

This is just such a beautiful poem and I can never than my mother enough for sharing her beautiful words with the world, her kids, family, and grandkids. Mom, you are amazing and I cannot wait to keep reading more of your poetry. 

I have a few other poems my mother has written for me over the years that she has given me permission to share here. 

Exercise Routines: #PQInShape

Last week's #PQInShape challenge was to develop/ find an exercise routine that you would enjoy and stick with.

Of course I used Pinterest, because I am obsessed!

When I was looking through all the ideas, I started thinking about what my ultimate exercise goals are. Although my motivation is being in a bikini, I do have actual fitness goals. I want to RUN. I want to take off running to sweat away stress and not worry about getting stuck somewhere. I also want to do some kickboxing. I used to like Tae Bo, so I really want to kick box!

What I ended up doing is finding mini workout plans on Pinterest. I will start with one and for 5 weeks, add another mini workout until I am doing 5 mini workouts each morning and evening. On the sixth week, I will start a running plan. (Something similar to the couch to 5k)

In addition to this, after I am on my plan for a few weeks, I will alternate weight training with some cardio videos.

One of the reasons I chose the mini workouts is that I can let my little prince play outside while I do them and I'm not worrying about equipment or anything. We will basically just be playing outside.

In addition to all of this, I have also set myself daily goals. The reason for this is that if I don't accomplish one, I can look at what I did do and I won't feel like my day was wasted.

Daily Goals:

  1. No more than 2 cups of coffee a day
  2. 1000 calories a day
  3. 3 meals and 1 snack every day
  4. Focus on portion control. I am going to start using my son's divided plates to eat out of. 
  5. Drink 3 of my 32 ounce bottles of water a day.
  6. Drink a large glass of lemon water first thing in the morning. 
  7. Carry my water bottle with me every where. 

I also want to start a #PQInShape journal that I can carry with me. I want it to be more than just somewhere to document calories. I want it to be an actual journal of my journey. 

This week's challenge (its a double): Start your workout routine and create an amazing exercise play list. 

In addition to this week's challenge, I will be working on my daily goals and creating my journal. 

What are your thoughts on the challenge so far? 

Healthy Breakfast: #PQInShape

Last week's challenge was to find a low calorie/ healthy breakfast as a go to. I had luck finding options, however I did not succeed in eating breakfast on a single day. Maybe this week will be better.

Here are some options from Pinterest:

*I'm still trying to figure out how to make a smoothie without dragging the blender out- maybe one day*

For more healthy breakfast ideas, visit my Motivation Pinterest Board.

This Week's Challenge:

Plan your workout routine to start off with. Visit my Motivation Board for some great ideas!

What is your routine? 

Do you have a go to breakfast?

Disappointed: #PQInShape

So, I'm a little behind on things. Last week was spent celebrating the first anniversary of CSPRI Inc - I am so excited about this and there are great things to come for the future of the Carolina Society for Paranormal Research and Investigation Inc. I was also busy getting the first episode of Paralina Radio up and promoted. I'm so happy that this dream is finally a reality. To hear it and my southern voice, go here

Last week was a success, but I was sick over the weekend with a stomach bug, so yesterday and today have been spent catching up and doing some relaxing. 

Last week's challenge was to take a true assessment of your eating, drinking, and fitness habits. I did this and I am really disappointed in what I found. I was right in that I don't eat every much. The problem is that I don't eat enough. I'm lucky if I eat more than dinner in a day. I may grab something quick for lunch , which usually consists of a snack cake. I have also found that I do not eat enough quality. I will definitely be working on this. 

I was right in that I don't drink enough water and I drink entirely too much coffee- I will be working on this as well. 

Also, because I work at home from my computer, about the only exercise I get is chasing my 2 year old around. I know now what I need to work on, and I will do better this week. Life changes cannot happen over night. 

I was going to do a pounds lost chain to visualize how far I have come. However, I decided against this. I am going to skip weighing for a little bit- probably a week or two. I think this will be better for my psyche. 

This week's challenge is to find a low calorie/ healthy breakfast. This is definitely something I need to work on. I have never been a breakfast eater. I'm a breakfast drinker- coffee is the only thing I want in the morning. I used to drink a bottle of orange juice or V8 juice every morning- I need to pick up that habit again. 

Do you have a challenge you need a buddy with? Do you have a go to breakfast? I would love to hear about it. 

By the way, here are my before and after so far photos.