Get Organized for Halloween

I don't know about you guys, but when Halloween finally gets here, I do the same thing every year. I jump around like a 3 year old that has had espresso and candy! Yep, that's me (I do the same thing we take the tinsel out at Christmas). So, there is no slowing down enough on Halloween day to figure out what we need to do. My solution, I organize myself the week before. This year, I'm doing it today.

Last Halloween

First, I make a list of all the local Halloween activities and sort them by adult vs little ones. The activities that are not for our family, I just mark off the list. Then, I break down the activities into what can be done before Halloween, between Halloween and Thanksgiving, and what is only on Halloween. This allows me to see what else I can squeeze in. Then, I decide what we are doing and put it on our calendar. 

This year, we will be attending a trunk or treat, a city event (possibly), and having a fun Ghost Hunters Halloween Marathon with tons of junk and drinks. We look forward to our marathon every year! 

After activities are decided on, I make a list of what I need to do and purchase. For instance- do I need to pick up costumes or make costumes? This year, I made the prince's costume (its a surprise). We are taking a break from dressing up- we dress up every year. 

We do not give out candy because we live out in the country. We do donate candy to the church to help with the trunk or treat though. 

Next on my list - junk food for the marathon. I decide what we are going to snack on, drinks we are going to mix, and what we are having for dinner. If I don't do this, I will forget to pick it all up. 

Halloween is a favorite in our family, so I stay organized enough for us to enjoy everything, but not so organized that we are on a strict schedule and cannot take a moment to enjoy each other. 

What keeps you organized for Halloween?


  1. Hi there fellow Carolina Girl!!! Whoop whoop! Found you on SITS! Thanks for the Pinterest follow, following you back! Love your blog, btw!

  2. Yay for Carolina girls! Thanks for visiting. I just love pinterest (and pearls). I'm headed your way now!
