Revisiting My Resolutions

Its July, and I realized that I have not even looked at the resolutions I made back in January. So, I decided that I would paste them here so that you can see and I can catch you guys up to date!

Professional resolutions posted on NighLon

  1. Create a landing page for all of my projects -Still working on this one
  2. Get at least one sponsor -Decided against this, but maybe on this blog
  3. Be self hosted -Done, and it is the best think I could have done. 
  4. Increase my Facebook Fanpage to 100 likes - Almost, I'm kind of bouncing all around a hundred.
  5. Schedule posts at least a week in advance -I don't see this ever happening
  6. Have a significant increase in blog traffic -I would say that I've done this
  7. Create a members only section for those who want customized tags and blog kits - Decided against this, I did create a group for blogger support though. 
  8. Start my own happiness project -That is kind of what this blog is. 
  9. Participate in 31 days to a better blog with the SITS Girls -Check Check Check
  10. Join the Clever Girls Network -Will apply for this blog in October
  11. Start posting reviews of gadgets/ websites for my readers -Done
  12. Have an empty inbox at least once a week -I do this almost every week!
  13. Write at least one featured friday post a month -Did this for a while, but I have moved away from this idea. I have started something different. I will write about that another time. 
  14. Take on 3 new clients -Done
  15. Take more photos and learn new editing techniques -Done
  16. Change NighLon’s newsletter format -Done
  17. Write a re-branding strategy and execute with NighLon -Done
  18. Learn to create apps: mobile, web, and facebook. -Done, and still learning
  19. Create a portfolio -Done, it will all be live soon!
  20. Update my readers once a month on my progress. -I obviously did not do this *frowny face*
14 out of 20, with some still in progress isn't too shabby!

Personal resolutions posted on Beautiful Imperfection (I no longer update this blog, but it is fun to look at)

  1. Have the prince potty trained -Done (Yay! Tips coming soon)
  2. Find a job -Made my own
  3. Take a picture every day -Almost every day- it averages out to more than one a day. 
  4. Start my very own happiness project -Done
  5. Craft more and open an etsy store -I have crafted a little more, but I'm not opening a store. I just don't have time for that. 
  6. Post more recipes on Cupcakes & Sweet Tea We are changing up a bit, more on that soon!
  7. Join in on Project Marriage -Still on the list
  8. Create a landing page for all of my projects -Still working on this. 
  9. MOVE into our own home -We aren't there, but on the way!
  10. Start reviewing web services for my readers. -Done
  11. Lose 100 pounds -Not even close, but I've lost a few. I'm going to let that count! I decided that I don't want to lose 100. Just 50!
  12. Exercise 3 days a week, and eventually elevate this to 5 days a week -Does chasing a toddler count?
  13. Post on at least 1 blog every day -For the most part, considering I have 4
  14. Spend more time outside -Done
  15. Start writing my book -Done, the outline is almost finished!
  16. Create an organizing system I am satisfied with -Its a work in progress, but it is a step completed. 
  17. Learn to bake a cake -Does boxed cake count? No, but I can make some mean sugar cookies (and peanut butter cookies)
  18. Learn to decorate cookies -With powdered sugar and stencils. I'm waiting for the holidays to tackle frosting. 
  19. Grow my hair out -Done, it is half way down my back!
  20. Post more about me as mommy! I love this life! -Done, welcome to The Palmetto Queen
13 out of 20- not bad. 
So, it is July and I have accomplished 27 our of my 40 goals for 2012. I have created more here and even created a 30 before 30 list. 

In a few months, I'll update on all of these! I'm proud of me! 


  1. Awesome that you are making great progress!  I love tracking my goals too.  Good luck with the rest on your list ;)

  2. That's great. I keep writing my goals and I seem to lose the paper each time. lol. Hopefully soon.

  3. Thank you!!! I usually forget about them by March. I guess blogging about my goals does hold me a bit more accountable! Thanks for visiting!

  4. lol- You should try blogging them, it worked for me! Thanks for visiting!
