Mission Possible: Helping Every Child Succeed

As I have mentioned before, the Mr. and I have recently made the decision to home school the little prince. The reason for this decision is not based on religion or so that he will not have structure. The decision is based on our desire for our son to succeed. Beyond anything else, that's what we want for him. I don't feel that public schools have enough structure. I also believe that when schools/ teachers implement a "no competition" policy or "grading curve" based on the highest test scores, they are setting these children up for failure. I feel the same way about extra credit. My feelings on the public school system can be summed up in a simple statement. The school system needs to expect more out of children.

When I was asked to read Mission Possible, by Eva Moskowitz, I was intrigued and excited. I have known there was something wrong with the public school system (and all schools), but couldn't quite put my finger on it. Eva Moskowitz and Arin Lavinia have successfully put my feelings about schools into words that I was never able to find. 

Eva Moskowitz founded the Success Academies in New York City as a response to the problems she saw in the school system. Moskowitz points out that even our country’s bet private schools cannot compete with the schools in other countries. She sees fundamental problems in the way schools are run, the education possibilities for educators, and the way children are taught. Moskowitz urges our schools to expect more out of children and prepare teachers to continuously improve their skills. She points out that if parents, teachers, administrators, and students (or scholars as they are called at Success Academies) work together, this will happen.

One of the issues Eva Moskowitz discusses as being a problem with the school system is stagnation. “Stagnation, being unable to accomplish one’s job at a high level, is one of the greatest sources of low teacher morale.” This points back to the American culture and how we view teaching. This view has changed so much in the past 400 years.

Here is a mini history lesson for you. In 1636, Harvard College was founded to train teachers and ministers. At the time, doctors were not required to have a degree of any kind. Teachers and ministers were held as the highest profession. I have to thank a teacher who EXPECTED me to succeed for that knowledge. I will never forget that “nugget” of information. This particular teacher took her job seriously and didn’t use a grading curve. She also did not use extra credit.

Fast forward a few years later. It is the first day of my Education 101 course. I am sitting in the School of Education Building classroom with about 25 other students while we wait on the professor. He walked in, wrote a quote on the board, turned around to face the class and asked us what the following quote had to do with education. “Only the true professionals wear robes,” (I have no idea where this quote came from, but would love to know). I was clueless. I had an idea that teachers used to wear robes, but we soon launched into a discussion about which professions wore robes originally. I will never forget this day. He held his profession so seriously. Anyone who was around him immediately became intrigued with his thoughts on teaching.

Historically, teaching was one of the greatest honors. I wish this remained the case. However, in today’s society, Americans have gotten into the “those who can’t, teach” mindset. This idea never made sense to me, and I think that is the problem with this country’s education system. Teaching is now working in the trenches with little or no support from the community and administrative offices. Teachers get a degree and are put out on their own. They work entirely too many hours, work at home, and are expected to find time in there to plan and continue their education. They have to deal with students that won’t behave and have no interest in learning. They do this with a pay that competes with careers with no educational requirements.

In any other job/ career, low morale would be expected with these conditions, yet we expect teachers to be just as enthusiastic each August and May. Teachers are treated differently than other professions. They are not respected or appreciated. We are handing our children’s futures over to these overworked people and expect them to handle it all. If a child fails a test, it’s the teacher’s fault. If they don’t get into college, it’s the teacher’s fault. If they don’t turn in their homework, it’s the teachers fault for assigning it. Why do we blame the teachers? We don’t blame toy companies if our child doesn’t get a toy. We don’t blame doctors when our children get colds. We don’t blame cops if our teenager gets arrested. Then, why do we as Americans blame the teachers when our students don’t do their work. Or, better yet, when we don’t do our part to help our children succeed.

We, as a nation, have finally found a scapegoat for our failures. Teachers are to blame! I urge you to really take a moment and think about this. Is this really true? I don’t think so. The next time you want to blame a teacher, go to the school board and get something done. If your child fails a test, go to the teacher and ask what you can do to help. It’s as simple as making an effort. It’s time we stop blaming our teachers and start helping them. Make a commitment to sitting down and helping your children. Education is not just the responsibility of the teacher, it is also up to us, as parents.

If you have a child in school, will have a child in school, work in a school, or pay taxes that help pay for a school, I urge you to read this book. You can also connect with Eva Moskowitz via Facebook and Twitter and get a conversation going. Also, enter the giveaway- the details are below.

Thank you Eva Moskowitz and Arin Lavinia for writing this amazing book. I will read it again (several more times) over the next 12 or so years. There is no school like this where I live, but I will implement your policies and procedures in my own home school journey. I expect my son to succeed, so he will.


Disclosure: I was compensated for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Christmas In July

You guys are hearing from me a lot today! I have had some amazing goodies for you lately, and now I am sharing another one!

Paper Coterie is one of my favorite online printing services. Their designs are so beautiful. Plus, its nice to be able to find something for everyone in one place.

Right now, Paper Coterie is having their Christmas in July sale! It's a quick sale on gift cards. Hurry, the sale ends Sunday. These gift cards are super cheap. For instance, you can get a $100 gift card for just $30! That's a great deal! For additional savings, if you email the gift card code, there is no shipping!!!

You can go ahead and get started on your Christmas shopping- they never expire! While you are there, grab yourself one (or 10).


There really is something for everyone. It is all so beautiful! 
While you are there, go ahead and grab the free printable! 

Have fun and grab you something beautiful!

Disclaimer: There are affiliate links in this post. Just remember, this is the kind of thing I would send to my friends in a text! Thanks for being my friend ;)

Mom Approved: I'm Not Weird, I Have SPD

When Loving Healing Press asked me to review I'm Not Weird, I Have SPD, I couldn't say no. We have decided to home school our little prince, but I still want him to learn some of the things besides basic education that he would learn in public school. I want to shelter him from the evil that is continuously showing up in schools, not from people who are different from him. I saw I'm Not Weird, I Have SPD as a learning resource for him. Just like learning about a different place, books teach amazing things.

Chynna Laird was inspired by her daughter to write I'm Not Weird, I Have SPD. Chynna not only wanted to write this book to help her daughter deal with the emotions that came with Sensory Processing Disorder, but wanted to help the children around her understand it as well. This book is an amazing resource for teachers and parents. Its not always easy to put other's emotions into words, or describe how people feel. Also, children cannot always put these things into perspective for others. 

When I was in college, I was a teacher's aid at a day care. One of the children had SPD. I had no idea what this was and researched it to help me help this child. I never found anything like this. If I had this book at the time, I am sure I could have understood him better and helped him. 

As parents, we can never predict who will be in the class with our children, or who they will make friends with. It is a good idea to learn something about disorders that occur in children so that we can help ours connect and understand the world around them. 

The book teaches children what SPD is, and how it effects those with the disorder. It also helps children who have been diagnosed learn to communicate their feelings. SPD can make children not like being touched, not like certain sounds, tastes, and smells. But, this book can teach children to communicate these feelings and understand that its okay. 

I think I'm Not Weird, I Have SPD can do more than just help understand the disorder. It can also help other children learn to cope with their feelings. Children have to learn to communicate in ways besides screaming and throwing a tantrum. This book can be implemented to help them tell us why they get so upset. 

The book also includes teacher and parent resources at the back with fun activities to further the lessons in the book. I'm Not Weird, I Have SPD would be an amazing resource for any library, classroom, or home. 

Loving Healing Press is offering an additional copy of I'm Not Weird, I Have SPD to my readers. To win it, just comment below and I will draw a name. Let me know why you would like a copy of this book!

A winner will be chosen Friday, August 3, 2012

Disclaimer: I have been given a copy of this book to review. All opinions are my own.

Note: This contest is over. The winner is.... April. I wish I had one for everyone! Good luck next time. 

List 5 Friday: The Summer Olympics

Thanks for visiting the Summer Olympics edition of List 5 Friday. 
If you want to participate, grab a badge, share your list on your blog, and add your link to the bottom. 
Easy Peasy!

grab my button

My 5 Favorite things about the Summer Olympics

1. Tradition. I love that this is an easy way to start traditions in your family. It can be as simple as watching one of the events to as elaborate as planning a nightly dinner and activities around the events. You could even throw a party every year. 

2. Gymnastics. I just love watching the gymnastics events!

3. Pride. There is something special when the USA takes the gold in an event. 

4. Opening Ceremony. This year promises to be extra special as it marks the 30th Summer Olympics. London has an especially grand ceremony promised for tonight. 

5. Twitter. I love twitter and it will now be abuzz with Summer Olympics greatness!

Be sure to link up, you have until next Friday! 

Next week: Burning House! I want to know what the 5 things you would grab are. 

Winner Announced: Ferdinand Uses The Potty

I wish I had 3 copies of this book to give away. I really hated to just pick 2. 
I used random.org 

Congratulations MomofTwins and SimplyGabriela

I will be in contact with you both! 

Don't lose heart if you didn't win or missed out on this one. I have a giveaway a week for the next month! Lots of goodies for the family!

As Promised: My Planner

I have been promising you guys for a while now that I would share my planner. I'm going to warn you that it doesn't look very organized, but it really is. I actually combined several calendars to create one that worked for me. I started with a Carolina Pad Folio that I have had for a few years now. I bought it to cover a spiral calendar with and just hung on to it because it is so pretty, and I like the pop of neon green.

Welcome to the Queen's planner:
One of my biggest must haves for a planner is pockets. I always keep extra paperclips, a calculator, business cards, and sticky notes. I have to have a way of keeping these accessible.

My first section holds several things including my master to do list (that is always growing), a perpetual calendar, daily calendar (more on that later), and things that I need to do daily or weekly (for those days when I feel like I am forgetting something).

See that picture of that handsome man? That is a picture I keep in that pocket all the time so that when I open this calendar, I see it. It is my husband and son the day he was born. It is my favorite picture and I look at it every day. I don't usually have things in front of it, but I am putting together some projects and those are lists that either I need my husband to do or things I need to pick up.

This is my daily to do list. This section is actually out of a calendar I bought a few years ago and never used. I held on to it because I liked the binder it came in. (Which is actually the binder in this planner). I decided to re-purpose it because I wanted to make sure this layout worked before I spend a chunk of change on a refill. Over the years, I have spent entirely too much money on planners that I ultimately hate and won't use. I use a sheet every day and highlight off what I accomplish. I cannot stand to see check marks all over the place or lines through items. Highlighting it off works for me. I don't think I will be using the page a day next year. I think if I have less space I will be more realistic about what I can accomplish. Also, I really miss being able to look at a week and get a better glimpse of what I have going on. 

This is inside the back cover. I keep my son's potty chart here (which I can remove now!), stickers, and flyers for projects I am working on. I also stick notes here for things I need to write. Can you tell I am obsessed with paperclips and binder clips? Office supply stores are like shoe stores for me, I have a problem!

I initially looked for a monthly calendar that I could put inside the monthly dividers, but went with this one because it was the one I found. I have learned though that I like the monthly calendar that I can easily slip out. This is perfect for planning my week out. I just slip it out and can see it without having to flip back and forth. I color code my monthly calendar. Always have, Always will! 
NighLon posts are purple
Palmetto Queen posts are pink
Family is blue
The Prince is red
I have a few other colors as well that I use for different purposes like CSPRI and Econfina Press. 

I also wanted to make an announcement in this post. The yellow blocks in the picture above are to help me keep track of my newest project. The Knight and I have decided to homeschool. I know that he's only 2, but we needed to make this decision now because he would be starting school either next year or the next. It takes a year to get a child in preschool. I'm glad we went ahead and made the decision because this gives me plenty of time to research and plan! I will be blogging about this journey here and sharing what I learn. 

This decision to homeschool is also the reason that this planner will no longer work for me. I am giving myself a new goal. I will have a new system in place in time for the new year. What I am thinking: A planner, project notebook, and homeschool notebook. What works for you? 

I hope some of my planner organization has given you some ideas! 

Tech Etiquette 101: Digital Thank You Notes

From my very first post on Southern Charm Sunday, I have come to realize that my own personal policy on thank you notes needs updating. 
Thanking people is something that I always do. "Thank You" was also my son's first phrase. I am a major advocate of thank you notes, though I will admit that I have been slack at times with this. I also have a bad habit of writing out thank you notes, addressing them, sticking them in my bag, and forgetting to actually mail them. 
to solve this problem, I have started taking a different approach to thank you notes. There are many times that I think it is acceptable to send a digital note. Here are some ideas on how to implement a digital thank you note. 

1. Thank someone publicly. 
  • Tweet a thank you
  • Publish a thank you on their Facebook Wall
  • Make them a video and post it to YouTube
  • Write a blog post about them
2. Send a heartfelt letter via email.

3. Send a digital note thanking them (These sites are all free)
Remember: These are times to always send a traditional Thank You note!
  • If a formal invitation was sent
  • Formal event such as a wedding, baby shower, congratulatory event, graduation, or in response to another major life event.
  • When thanking someone for helping with a major project, such as planning an event or hosting a dinner party. 
  • My rule of thumb for this: The ore personal the reason for the thank you is, the more likely a traditional thank you is in order. 

Click to see your special thank you!

(Note: The links above are NOT affiliate links, I am not associated with these companies, and I am not being reimbursed in any way)

Mom Approved: Ferdinand Uses the Potty

I have exciting news for you today. The little Prince is officially potty trained! 
The hardest part after initially getting him to use the potty has been night time. 
The Prince isn't fond of bedtime, so anything that leads up to it is a battle. 
But now, its not; Thanks to this book!

Ferdinand Uses The Potty is about a little yellow frog who wets the bed. Sadly, he is also afraid of the potty because it makes a horrible noise. Ferdinand has a really good friend, a little boy who tells him that the potty is nothing to be afraid of. Ferdinand thinks he can just not go potty, but soon learns that it is something we all have to do. Ferdinand faces his fear so that he doesn't make wet spots in the bed or on the floor. 

My little guy is only 22 months, so he doesn't really understand all that Ferdinand Uses The Potty is about, but he does know what the potty is and what it does. What I do is read him the story while he sits on his potty before bed. The really great part about this is that he loves being read to, so it excites him and he forgets it is almost bedtime. The Prince also loves animals, so seeing the happy yellow frog makes him so giddy, he just laughs all the way through it. 

The author, Jay Tucker, is a husband, father, and youth minister. He lives in Ft. Myers, Florida, with his family. He is the author of several books for adults and children; he is currently working on another book for adults, about youth ministry. 

Whether you are still working on potty training, have hit a snag in the process, or will be potty training in the future, I urge you to get a copy of this book. It will be a great addition to your children's library. 
You can buy Ferdinand Uses The Potty here

That's not all either- I have super amazing news for you guys as well! The publisher has provided me with an additional 2 copies of Ferdinand Uses The Potty by Jay Tucker for lucky Readers!

I am going to do this giveaway a bit differently though! What I want from you is why you would like to win this book. Just comment below and let me know. Do you want it for your students, for your kids who you are potty training, for a child who wets the bed, to donate to a library or school, just let me know. I will announce the winner Wednesday, July 25, 2012.  

Disclaimer: I have been supplied with a copy of this book for review, the opinions are my own.  

I'm 30-Something and Fabulous Today

I am guest posting at 30-Something and Fabulous today! 

I adore Kristin, and I think you will too. She really is FABulous, so when she asked me to guest for her I was ecstatic (go now to find out how I reacted).

You can read about my simple beauty tips, read a little about my soapbox, and learn how to make your own leave in conditioner! Isn't that exciting? 

You can also see her new FABulous design! 

List 5 Friday: Projects I am Working On

I had something great planned for this week, but I decided to do something different. I want to know what projects you are working on. I have been getting so much done, it will be nice to know what you are all up to. 

5 projects I am working on: 

1. Reorganizing my recipe book 

2. Reorganizing my mobile office to include some more recent projects

3. Getting ready for my Mom's visit in September

4. Getting my new NighLon site up (an addition, not replacement) 

5. Making this blog more organized and "user friendly" (do you have any suggestions?)

*I am also working on something else that is pretty major, but I can't tell you what it is quite yet. Soon, I promise! It will be worth the wait. 

Be sure to read the rules here and link up! 

Also- If you read these, but don't participate, I would love to know why!

Revisiting My Resolutions

Its July, and I realized that I have not even looked at the resolutions I made back in January. So, I decided that I would paste them here so that you can see and I can catch you guys up to date!

Professional resolutions posted on NighLon

  1. Create a landing page for all of my projects -Still working on this one
  2. Get at least one sponsor -Decided against this, but maybe on this blog
  3. Be self hosted -Done, and it is the best think I could have done. 
  4. Increase my Facebook Fanpage to 100 likes - Almost, I'm kind of bouncing all around a hundred.
  5. Schedule posts at least a week in advance -I don't see this ever happening
  6. Have a significant increase in blog traffic -I would say that I've done this
  7. Create a members only section for those who want customized tags and blog kits - Decided against this, I did create a group for blogger support though. 
  8. Start my own happiness project -That is kind of what this blog is. 
  9. Participate in 31 days to a better blog with the SITS Girls -Check Check Check
  10. Join the Clever Girls Network -Will apply for this blog in October
  11. Start posting reviews of gadgets/ websites for my readers -Done
  12. Have an empty inbox at least once a week -I do this almost every week!
  13. Write at least one featured friday post a month -Did this for a while, but I have moved away from this idea. I have started something different. I will write about that another time. 
  14. Take on 3 new clients -Done
  15. Take more photos and learn new editing techniques -Done
  16. Change NighLon’s newsletter format -Done
  17. Write a re-branding strategy and execute with NighLon -Done
  18. Learn to create apps: mobile, web, and facebook. -Done, and still learning
  19. Create a portfolio -Done, it will all be live soon!
  20. Update my readers once a month on my progress. -I obviously did not do this *frowny face*
14 out of 20, with some still in progress isn't too shabby!

Personal resolutions posted on Beautiful Imperfection (I no longer update this blog, but it is fun to look at)

  1. Have the prince potty trained -Done (Yay! Tips coming soon)
  2. Find a job -Made my own
  3. Take a picture every day -Almost every day- it averages out to more than one a day. 
  4. Start my very own happiness project -Done
  5. Craft more and open an etsy store -I have crafted a little more, but I'm not opening a store. I just don't have time for that. 
  6. Post more recipes on Cupcakes & Sweet Tea We are changing up a bit, more on that soon!
  7. Join in on Project Marriage -Still on the list
  8. Create a landing page for all of my projects -Still working on this. 
  9. MOVE into our own home -We aren't there, but on the way!
  10. Start reviewing web services for my readers. -Done
  11. Lose 100 pounds -Not even close, but I've lost a few. I'm going to let that count! I decided that I don't want to lose 100. Just 50!
  12. Exercise 3 days a week, and eventually elevate this to 5 days a week -Does chasing a toddler count?
  13. Post on at least 1 blog every day -For the most part, considering I have 4
  14. Spend more time outside -Done
  15. Start writing my book -Done, the outline is almost finished!
  16. Create an organizing system I am satisfied with -Its a work in progress, but it is a step completed. 
  17. Learn to bake a cake -Does boxed cake count? No, but I can make some mean sugar cookies (and peanut butter cookies)
  18. Learn to decorate cookies -With powdered sugar and stencils. I'm waiting for the holidays to tackle frosting. 
  19. Grow my hair out -Done, it is half way down my back!
  20. Post more about me as mommy! I love this life! -Done, welcome to The Palmetto Queen
13 out of 20- not bad. 
So, it is July and I have accomplished 27 our of my 40 goals for 2012. I have created more here and even created a 30 before 30 list. 

In a few months, I'll update on all of these! I'm proud of me! 

Random Acts of Kindness

Growing up in South Carolina, I am no stranger to having a door held open for me, or someone calling me "ma'am" - I wouldn't say I expect it, but it always shocked me when someone didn't do it...
... Until recently.

It seems that these small acts of kindness and compassion are few and far between these days. 
I don't know if it is the digital age showing its ugly face or if people are just too busy to care. 
Maybe the gallant generation is dying out. I really hope not. 

These every day little things that are so rare now truly make my day. My husband has always held the door for me. Even now after being together for 6 years, if he is around, I don't open doors. When out shopping, he carries the prince across the parking lot, yet still holds the door open for me. I am married to a gentleman. 

I adore that car commercial (I think its Volkswagen) that the people in it are doing nice things for each other and at the end, it rewinds until someone sees the car and smiles. 

I have a challenge for you today. 
In the next week, do one random act of kindness! It can be something as simple as holding a door, or as complex as paying for someone's coffee in the line behind you. 

Its not hard and can be free- but the rewards are great. 

Please, do something kind. Don't let the gallant age die out. 
After you do, come tell me about it, and tell me how you felt. 

Need some inspiration? Check these sites!

I LOVE YOU CARDS- I will be ordering mine soon. Or, maybe I'll make my own.
366 Random Acts of Kindness I am contemplating making a "Random Acts of Kindness Bucket List"

Tech Etiquette 101: Cell Phones and A Must Have Tool

I've been in a predicament, and I'm sure most of you have, when I absolutely had to answer my cell phone at an inappropriate time. It happens. In emergencies, this is okay, but only if you do it with consideration. 

Sometimes we are waiting on a very important phone call. That call comes when we are standing in line at the store to be checked out. There are several ways of handling this while still considering those affected by your conversation (This includes those in the store, the cashier, and the person on the other end of the line.)
Please, make sure that this is truly an important call. Nothing is more annoying than being a cashier and having your current customer chat on the phone while you are trying to decipher who the customer is speaking to. Not only is it rude to the cashier, but also to the other customers in the store. 
1. You can simply remove yourself from the line. When possible, this is by far the most considerate option. 
2. Have your conversation, but when it is your time to be helped by the cashier, either let the person on the phone know you will have to call them back, or put them on hold. 
3. Let your voice mail handle it and return the call at a more convenient time. 
Just remember: Even when you do one of these, still remember the fundamental rules of etiquette. 

In a true emergency, I think the people around you should be understanding. One rule of etiquette that is often forgotten is compassion. Our lives do not follow the rules we set forth. Things happen, and they never seem to be at a convenient time. 


I find it disheartening that the signs above should ever be considered. But, I guess that's the point of these Southern Charm Sundays- spreading some etiquette lessons around. Thanks to my mom for always teaching me these fundamental rules. 

I will share with you some basic cell phone rules. I'm sure your days will go much more smoothly if you just consider others. 

  1. Keep in mind where you are above the conversation you are having. If you are in a quiet restaurant, don't get loud if you have to answer the call. 
  2. When you have to answer the call, try to remove yourself from the location. Step outside or to an area that doesn't have as many people. It is best to keep at least 10 feet from yourself and other patrons.
  3. Turn your phone off when in a theater, wedding, graduation, courthouses, job interview, churches, or anywhere that silence is valued or the audience is focused on an event. Also, be careful while texting in these situations; phones can have very bright and distracting screens. 
  4. Be careful with your ringtone. It is inappropriate to have the latest pop song blaring from your phone while at work, in a professional situation, or other serious situation. Please be sure to use a g-rated ring tone when in public; you never know when there may be little ears around. 
  5.  Lower your voice while talking on the phone- the person on the other end can definitely hear you- no one else wants to. Also, if you are in a public place, avoid discussing personal information.
  6. When leaving a voice mail, keep it short and to the point. I personally will be quicker to get back to you if I know exactly what you need and how to reach you from a simple voice mail. I'm not a fan of talking on the phone, so if you call me and leave me your life story, I am not going to want to have a conversation with you because I don't want to be caught on the phone with a chatty person. 
  7. PLEASE do not text or answer a call while in the midst of a face-to-face conversation. That is just plain RUDE!
  8. Don't forget basic etiquette like saying please and thank you. Sadly, they will go further in today's world than even 10 years ago. 
  9. Establish phone free time in your life. This can be that you turn your phone off while sleeping, eating dinner, doing yoga, or even while watching your favorite television show. My theory is that we would be much less stressed if we did this for just an hour a day. For instance, my husband and I do not have outside conversations during dinner and we do not allow technology in our bedroom. 
  10. This is a lost etiquette rule in general, but I'm going to go ahead and put it out there. If you are on the phone in public, and the conversation turns south, either excuse yourself to a private location or excuse yourself from the phone call. It is inappropriate to have arguments in public. Period- there is simply nothing more childish. 
Since today is cell phone etiquette, I want to share with you a tool I have recently discovered. If you have used this for a while, excuse me- I am quite excited about it. Please don't take this as an advertisement, I just happen to love this service and think it will greatly benefit you! 

Google Voice  is Google's free voice service. By free, I mean free. It is free to all domestic numbers and Canada; the rates are cheap for international calls. 

It is great for a business line. You just set up your account, voice mail, and forwarding number. You can have it set to forward to your cell, home, or even not forward it at all. 

The reason I wanted to make you aware of this is my views on using a personal line for business or vice versa.  I feel this is inappropriate. It will throw people for a loop either way. I understand that there are financial issues in having more than one line, but Google Voice solves that. You can even set up quiet times!

I've thought of other reasons to use Google Voice- It is free, so use it to your advantage. 

  • Have a dedicated number for schools to call. It will get your attention better if it is a different ring. Just make sure it is forwarded, test it, and leave another number for schools as well. 
  • Use it for research contacts, such as researching insurance, utilities, programs, and other things that you may not want to give your actual home number out to. 
  • To collaborate with organizations or planning events.
  • Create a Voice mail Only line for when you don't really want to give out your number like when setting up accounts. 
  • Have family in another area code? Use it so set up a number in theirs to help save on phone costs. 
  • Create vanity numbers for a fun option
  • Use it as a permanent emergency phone number- less to worry about if you ever need to change numbers. 
  • Send text messages
  • Make and Receive Free VoIP Calls with Your Google Voice Number
  • Combine it with Skype so that your number will show up on caller ID
  • Add a voice mail feature to your blog- I'm seriously considering this one since I've had such great responses from my vlogs!
  • Record phone calls (great for businesses or if you are having a conflict)
  • You can even have a transcription of the voice mail sent to your email. 
I hope this information on Google Voice made up for my cell phone no nos!
Do you use Google Voice? Would you like to share a unique use or tip?
Do you have a cell phone pet peeve? I would love to hear it!

Tech Etiquette 101 will run through July. In August, I will be writing about more tradition etiquette and how it relates in today's world. What would you like to see on Southern Charm Sundays? I would also love to have some fellow bloggers to guest post for me. Send me an email at thepalmettoqueen@gmail.com and let me know your idea! 

List 5 Friday: Blogger Edition

grab my button

This week's challenge is to list 5 things about bloggers. This can be things we do, what we think,our tastes, anything! 

5 Things: You Know You're a Blogger When

1. You take photos of the food you cook- good or bad

My very first bundt cake- it is not pretty, but my tummy doesn't know that!

Its a red velvet cake with cream cheese filling! 

2. You think... How can I fit this into my blog? 

(via pinterest

3. Our blogs are a job that we love! 

(via pinterest

4. We build relationships with our readers 

(via pinterest) 

5. We are passionate about something! 

(via pinterest

Happy Blogging! Don't forget to link up!

My Wallet: Initials, Inc.

I promised you on Monday that I would share more about Initials, Inc- as part of my online party. 
Today, I am sharing with you one of my favorite products EVER!

I have always been a fan of huge, clutch like wallets; I like being able to house all wallet things plus a few things that aren't - like my keys and a lip balm. This worked for running to the store, or even to dinner. It even worked really well when I had my son- I could throw my mega wallet in the diaper bag, and I was set. 

After we got rid of the diaper bag, this didn't work so well. I very rarely have an extra hand for my wallet. It took me a while to figure out exactly what wasn't working. Finally, I just ordered one. I got this beauty from Initials, Inc

This is called the "Tech Wallet" in "link" - I think it is just beautiful. I love that its a wristlet. No hands needed!

It looks tiny, but ALL of this stuff came out of it!

I actually keep this (yes, and an anti-bac wipe) in the front snap pocket. It makes it much easier to get to my license and bank card. Inside it, I keep my multi-tool, a pen, insurance cards, and other random things I need. 

This was definitely worth the $25 spent. I LOVE it, and will never be without one again. If you like this print, you better hurry- it is being discontinued! 

Disclaimer: I have not been influenced to write this post by Initials, Inc. I am simply hosting an online party this week and next! 

imPRESS Press On Manicure

I'm that girl that is always at the salon getting my nails done... it is so relaxing!
Wait, I USED to be that girl- not so much anymore.

I do still love the look of a manicure. Nail polish doesn't do it for me- it always chips off. So, when I got the chance to try out imPress Press on Manicure, I was definitely game!

This packaging is genius!

Before I had my son, I had bad luck with press on nails (the reason behind going to the salon)- they would only stay on for a few hours, no matter what I tried. 

So, I wasn't hopeful when I tried these out. The package said they last up to one week. I was shocked when the first one came a little lose on day 3. That may not seem like very long, but I tend to play with my nails, I have a toddler, and live with several days. I am also very rough- I type with them, scrape things with them, and whatever else can come in contact will put nails through a very rigorous test. 

I am very impressed with these nails! 

Isn't this color BE-E-A-U-TIFUL?

Another amazing thing about these nails is that they are only $5.99 for colors and $7.99 for patterns- that sure beats the price of a manicure at your local salon.

I also love that there is no messy glue- the adhesive is on the nail itself, which means that I won't get stinky nail glue EVERYWHERE while I'm trying to get girlyfied!

These nails will not be for everyday use, but I will purchase them for special occasions. I will definitely buy them for my television appearance in September!

I'm craving these!

Are you a manicure girl?

Disclaimer: I received this product as part of the MomVoxBox to test. All opinions are my own.

My Big Surprise: Initials, Inc.

I promised you that I would unveil the big surprise I mentioned yesterday...
I'm hosting an online party for Initials, Inc

Shonnte is a fabulous lady that I have had the pleasure of getting to know over the past several months. When she first asked me to host a party, I thought it would be a great way of letting you guys know about this amazing company. 
Initials, Inc.

Initials, Inc. started out with two sisters who found themselves at a crossroads in life. They had both given birth to their first children and were wanting something more than just the "work/ family" balance. They were about to go down a crazy road, even if they didn't know what that road's name was. 
In 2005, the sisters founded this direct selling business and have never looked back. Not only have they filled their desire to be at home with their children, but also have helped other mothers do the same. 
Many women have signed up on this journey embracing the company's motto of "There’s only one you!"

Photo: Check out Ms. K. in her PINK!!! www.myinitials-inc.com/sjackson

My party will run for two weeks, I will share more amazing facts about this company as the party continues. 

If you want to shop the party: Here
If you want to learn more about the company and follow the event: Here

What is your favorite item from Initials? 

Tech Etiquette 101: Sharing Photos

This week I want to discuss something that is forgotten about so often with the emergence of social media. The sharing of photos is something that is often done without thought. I am also guilty of this. I tend to get so excited about photos (especially involving my little prince) that I just post, without asking permission. 

Its not just people who are concerned with how they look that we should be considerate of. Not everyone wants photos shared of their children. I share photos of mine, but I am aware of my privacy settings. The problem with this is that not everyone is. It is frustrating when people share photos without my permission. 

I think one of the worst things about this is that if a business, camp, or school take pictures of children, they have to have a signed waiver from parents. So, if schools who are not necessarily going to share the photo with the public have to have permission- why don't strangers. 

I am not even going to discuss strangers taking photos of me or my family today- that is for another post. 

The point of this post is to encourage you to be aware of the photos you are sharing on social media- make sure it is okay with the subject if you share. This only takes a few seconds - I'm sure they will return the favor. 


Starting tomorrow (July 9) there is going to be something exciting happening across Facebook, Twitter, and even here on The Palmetto Queen. Be sure to come back and see what the exciting event is. (It helps if you are subscribed- you can do that in the side bar) Here's a hint!

There is another hint HERE!

List 5 Friday: Gadgets

Since this is the first week, I decided to go ahead and post mine tonight. 
I got the idea for the first week topic from my friend Kristin at 30-Something and Fabulous
She recently posted about her favorite gadgets, so I thought that would be a fun way to get to know each other. I am sharing two lists of 5 for this linky. My 5 gadgets I cannot live without and the 5 that I drool over! 

grab my button

5 Gadgets I cannot live without: 
1. My Computer- I couldn't blog, work, or stalk without it!

2. My Microsoft mouse that works on almost any surface- I hate laptop mice (?) so this makes it so much easier to get stuff done. I also like that the receiver for the mouse is so small that I can leave it plugged in all the time. 

3. My Kodak EasyShare - Its waterproof. Perfect for a toddler and a snorkeling husband. It doesn't hurt that it was pretty cheap! 

4. My USB battery charger- I can charge the batteries for my camera on the go!

5. I know this is a game, not a gadget- but I couldn't leave it out! 
My hubby bought me Sims 3 so that I wouldn't spend all my time mommying (yeah, I make up words) and working- how sweet is he?!

5 Gadgets I'm Drooling over
1.Turtle Beaches for PC 
2. Solar powered charger
3. Bamboo Tablet (For logo design)
4. This- it tweets for your dog!
5. A Terabyte external hard drive (double drool)

My name is Cari, and I'm a GEEK

What list of gadgets do you have? 
Comment below to be featured next week, and don't forget to link up!