We love advent calendars in our house and with the addition of the Thames & Kosmos Science Advent Calendar, I thought I'd share some ways we've used them and some ideas for them.
10 Ways to Use Advent Calendars All Year
Thames & Kosmos: Science for Fun and School
Disclaimer: I received products to review. All opinions are my own.
In our house, science is something we are passionate about. We have random science discussions, watch videos, find experiments, and even discuss how science relates to the Bible. This is something I got from my dad. My dad loved science and passed that on to me and encouraged it with his grandkids.
Tbomb (13 now) wants to be an archaeologist/ paleontologist who is a game developer in his spare time. Snapper (10 now) wants to be a marine biologist/ surfer who travels the world to teach people about misunderstood animals (like pangolins and sharks) and invent things in her spare time. Looks like science is their future.
I've bought Thames & Kosmos products since my kids were small. We got the awesome opportunity to explore a dig kit and advent calendar from their product line and we dug right in.
Science Advent Calendar
We love advent calendars (stay tuned for new ways to use them) in our house, so this is a win-win. There are 24 experiments in 24 different boxes. This is by far my favorite advent calendar and we've had many.
Thames & Kosmos
Thames & Kosmos is my go-to when looking for science supplements for school and for gifts.
No matter a child's interest, you can find a fun option for them.
Thames & Kosmos was founded in 2001 when a Rhode Island science museum director and her son partnered with a 200-year old German publishing house to help fulfill the great need for science education materials that were more stimulating, effective, relevant – and of course, fun!
For the past 22 years, we have dedicated ourselves to that mission, publishing and distributing toys and games that are both engaging and educational. We believe that authentic learning experiences combined with hands-on exploration are a powerful way to captivate curious young minds, and to keep them hungry for knowledge as they continue their journey into adulthood. Whether it’s building a robot, playing a board game, or performing a magic trick, we strive for our products empower kids to take risks, experiment, innovate, cooperate, problem-solve, and embrace the process of trial-and-error.
10 Tips for Outdoor Events with Kids
This past weekend, we took the kids and my mom to Tiger Drive-In, in Tiger, Georgia. We saw Kong x Godzilla. Let me tell you- it was AH-MAH-ZING. The first of the movies I have actually sat through. Now, I want to see the others. It was my mom's 60th birthday and it was a wonderful celebration.
10 Tips for Outdoor Events with Kids
1. Make sure you will have the opportunity to let the kids run off some energy. I was so excited that there was a playground at the drive-in. After being in the car that long, I knew the kids could not sit through a movie.CSB Explorer Bible for Kids
Disclaimer: I received a bible to review. All opinions are my own.
Several years ago, the kids' Nanny and Poppy got them both a bible for Christmas. They have cherished those Bibles and the messages written inside them. However, when their Poppy died in 2021, they resisted using them. I finally figured out that they were scared something would happen to the Bibles and that scared them since they had lost their Poppy, who they were very close to. My husband and I had been looking into finding new Bibles that could also grow with them and had nice features for more in-depth Bible study. When I got the chance to review the CSB Explorer Bible for Kids, I knew we had found the answer.
I've Missed You. Let's Talk About Where I've Been
I'm going to admit. This will be a hard post to write, but that's why it has taken so long. I've missed this space so much over the past few years and want to be active here again, but the last couple of months made me miss it so much more. This is my peace and my escape. I needed it, but I didn't want to write. Why?
My dad died.
January 25th he left us.
I didn't think he ever would. He turned 75 in December and I guess I took for granted that he would someday die. I have many regrets and things I could say and do.
A Tuttle Twins Series Of Stories: America's History (1215-1776)
I've been working on gathering our homeschool materials for the next school year (I'll have an 8th grader and a 5th grader- gasp!)
We will continue doing our read-aloud time, as well as history, science, and classical conversations as a group but spread out to do grammar, math, reading, and other individual studies. I love our one-on-one time learning together, but there is nothing like learning as a group and seeing what each kid gets from the same lesson.
This next year, we will be using A Tuttle Twins Series of Stories: America's History (1215-1776) for history along with our CC timeline.