Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own.
God's Great Embrace, by Adrian Best, is the best book that could have come out in this time.
Excerpt taken from Adrian Best, God’s Great Embrace: Discovering Deeper Intimacy with Jesus (Port Orchard, Washington: Ark House, 2022).
“This book seeks to explore the wonder and mystery of the gospel, the key to all Christian life and practice: the believer’s union with Christ.
What is this union? Why is it so important? There are few questions greater than these.
A dear friend and mentor once reminded me that we can’t take others where we haven’t been ourselves. I want to help you grasp something of your union with Christ by taking you on my own journey. Along the way, we’ll encounter some of life’s most burning questions. These deep mysteries of life and spirituality are not accessible by science, psychology, or philosophy, but are unveiled in the Trinitarian love and grace of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit poured out for us in Jesus Christ.
I offer my thoughts on union with Christ as a fellow pilgrim to whom God has spoken about this glorious biblical truth through the ups and downs of my life, a good dose of seminary education, and my years of church life, Christian experience and prayer. I’ve experienced firsthand the truths and the treasures, the pitfalls and the mistakes described in the pages ahead. But this book isn’t about me. It’s about all believers. It’s about the Holy Spirit deepening our journey with Jesus into the Father’s heart.
What you’ll find here is down-to-earth and pastoral, while also rooted in biblical theology. Starting with foundational truths about this union in the first four chapters, the rest of the book gives rise to an abundance of practical applications, with the potential to transform your life.”
I have recently really been craving a closer relationship with Christ and really wanting to model for my kids to grow with Christ and dive into his word each day. The kids and I have been having many deep conversations with my kids and feel like this book has given me the push to really encourage my kids.