Text Selection: The Importance of Other “Book” Choices By Doug Lemov, Colleen Driggs and Erica Woolway

It is important to recognize that the books students read and study in school are finite - a scarce and valuable resource. From middle school through twelfth grade, a typical student might read and intentionally study forty or fifty books in English classes (assuming five or six books per year from fifth through twelfth grade) - we hope more, but some students surely will read fewer. These books form the foundation of their knowledge of how literature works within and interacts with society, so they must be treated like the precious resource they are. Consideration should be given on not just whether each book a student reads is “good,” but also what the totality of the texts chosen for students accomplishes as part of their broader education.

Such scarcity implies the importance of mediated book choice. Of course students should have a book that they are reading on their own. And occasionally it’s surely fine for students to read their own book choices in class. But there is power in shared reading —power that is generally underrated.

Other “Book” Choices

While we make the case for reading books as frequently as possible, text selection should also include plays, poems, short stories, and articles in order to complement the finite number of actual books that students have the opportunity to read. Here are a few thoughts on each:

Short stories. Short stories are low-risk ways to introduce daring texts; when making bold experiments in expanding students’ range in and exposure to different types of text complexity, fifteen-page experiments are often more forgiving than three-hundred-page experiments. You can also study a short story in a few days versus a novel’s few weeks. That shorter duration often makes it easier to study its narrative structure and more viable to reread it, allowing students to glimpse the development of ideas and themes with the beneficial knowledge of how everything ends up. Nothing builds meta-awareness of how narratives work like rereading a full narrative. Because they can demonstrate aspects of theme and structure in such short space, short stories can be especially powerful when paired: two examples of satire; two unreliable narrators; two third person narratives with different degrees of omniscience.

Poetry. Poetry is frequently resistant. Its intentional resistance makes poetry a great tool for familiarizing students with the experience of reading challenging text of filling in the gaps around what you know. It’s also ideal for establishing meaning with very challenging language. Like short stories, poetry can let you dive into intensely challenging text without committing to a three hundred page novel.

Articles, essays, and excerpts. Articles and excerpts are at their best when connected and often compared to a book. It’s worth noting here, however, just how many types of articles and excerpts there are. Consider the book review, for example—how often our students approximate its forms while rarely, if ever, seeing a professional example of the form. Consider, also, the lowly obituary. Our colleague Peter Sipe, at Boston Collegiate High School, reads an obituary with his class every Friday. “An obituary,” he notes, “is the story of a life; death is just the detail that gets it printed.” “It’s real character education, the past made present,” he adds, and his students have studied the lives of the famous, the infamous, and the unknown alike.

One of the greatest gifts a student can get is a book they might never have considered or known, brought to life to life through great teaching. Yet we often find ourselves reading blog posts with titles like, “How to Get Kids to Read—Let Them Pick Their Own Damn Books” and “Why Do We Force Students to Read Shakespeare?.” It is to us a form of low expectations to assume that students will not find that they like what they knew nothing about, or presumed they wouldn’t like, before they began reading it. There is power in shared text, and letting students experience other types of texts is an important factor to consider in choosing books.

Doug Lemov, Colleen Driggs and Erica Woolway are the authors of Reading Reconsidered: A Practical Guide to Rigorous Literacy. For more information, please visit, www.teachlikeachampion.com and connect with the authors on Twitter, @doug_lemov, @colleendriggs and @ericawoolway.

Mindfulness expert, Kathy Walsh, teaches parents how to raise peaceful kids in her new book, Thirty Days to a Mindful Home.

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “How do I bring mindfulness and peace into my home?” Look no further, as Kathy Walsh has the perfect guide to help you do just that!

Why did Kathy write this book?

I wrote 30 Days to a Mindful Home to give parents the tools to help make their homes and families more peaceful. Just like any diet or exercise plan, it takes thirty days to make something a habit. Each day gives parents one mindfulness tool that they can use that day. As a parent of two beautiful daughters, I understand how busy parents can be. So, I made these tools simple, easy and quick.

My intention for each parent is at the end of the thirty days’ they can take three mindfulness tips that resonate with them and use those for several years to come. Consistency is key and three simple mindful techniques used consistently works really well. With my two daughters I enjoyed creating the gratitude journals, the meditation at night, and the positive music playing around the house! For years we practiced these tools together, and I can see now that they are adults, that these mindfulness tools made a positive impact on their lives

What is a Mindful Home?

Let me first say that a mindful home is not perfect by any means. Having a mindful home is having a positive look on life. It is realizing that peace is an inside job; nothing external can bring that to you. It often includes being conscious of how we set an intention for the home. For example, “In this home, we are compassionate towards animals, respect the earth, and take time to breathe and listen to our hearts.” In a mindful home, we look at life through the eyes of love. Seeing your child in a positive light, making gratitude a habit and taking time to be in the moment, all help to make a home more peaceful.

Why is it important to set an intention for your home?

How often do we think about and/or write down our intentions for raising our children? What could be more important? When you are clear about your intention for raising your children, other decisions become easier to make. For example, my intention was that my children always listen to their own hearts and let their intuition guide them. With this intention, I had to listen to them when they spoke, and act according to what their hearts were telling them. You will be surprised when you write your intention down for raising your child how clear your parenting style becomes.

What are your top three tips for creating a mindful home?

For the busy mom, I would suggest these three mindful tools to add to their day.

  • The first is taking time at bedtime to write in a gratitude journal with your kids or to say three things they were grateful for that day. This allows them to go to sleep with a grateful heart
  • The second is to put on meditation music or a guided meditation at bedtime. Together, you lie down together, breathe, unwind and let your mind and body relax before going to bed.
  • The third is hard to choose, but I feel that putting a playlist of happy songs on in the morning as everyone is getting ready to go about their day sets a positive intention for the entire day. For extra credit say something positive to them! “I love the way your hair curls,” or “It’s going to be a great day!” or even “Isn’t the weather beautiful? We are so blessed!” It’s so easy, and your kids will be singing these songs and hearing your message in their thoughts throughout the day. These mindfulness tools will help them to be the bright and shining star that they are.

What is the biggest obstacle to raising peaceful kids?

I think families today are trying their best to make their lives more peaceful. What I see most is that they are out of balance. Technology is amazing, and I use it every day, but it makes me sad when I see families out to dinner and everyone is on their phones.

Dinnertime is a wonderful opportunity to sit together and discuss their child’s day or week, and what they are feeling. It is also a great time to show appreciation for the food we eat and time spent together. So in the end, I think the hardest thing for parents to accomplish is balancing technology in this modern world. I recommend embracing opportunities for conversation, taking walks in nature together (without cell phones!) and enjoying each moment you are in!


Those who know Kathy’s story will tell you that her career and position as a mindfulness expert is no coincidence. Kathy grew up in a house filled to the brim with love, peacefulness, positive thinking, happiness, and laughter with her six siblings. She smiles ear-to-ear when talking about her glowing childhood and her mother. “People always wanted to be at my house. My mother created a positive environment for children.” she exclaims.

Inspired by her whimsical and influential childhood experiences, Kathy set out to live a positive life of mindfulness and peace. Filled with yoga, education, the arts, and happiness, Kathy’s entire career path was guided by her goal of helping others live a life of mindfulness.

A master meditator and avid reader and author of mindfulness books, Kathy created a series of children’s books and meditations called Joyohboy. These resources for parents not only share her stories of mindfulness and peace, but also seek to provide children with the tools they need to live a peaceful life and make an impactful change in our world. “My goal is to provide families with the tools they need to help their children lead a life of mindfulness, peace, and balance. With these tools, they can change the world!”

Most recently, Kathy launched Peace Place for Kids, where children and their families can come to participate in activities such as yoga, the arts, meditation, and so much more with the goal of finding their peace. Peace Place for Kids teaches children to find their inner balance so they can go out into the world with the confidence they need to succeed and make the world a remarkable place.

Boasting more than 20 years of experience working with children, the arts, and education, Kathy’s finds nothing more exciting than helping children and their families find a life of peace. Prior to writing Joyohboy, Kathy designed and launched renowned holistic programs for children at the Rudolf Steiner School in NYC and the Connecticut Conservatory of the Arts in New Milford. A frequent guest commentator in print and on broadcast media, Kathy has been nationally recognized. She has been featured on NPR, in Hollywood Life, on live television, and a number of magazines and blogs. Celebrities Natalie Portman, Alicia Silverstone, Megan Fox and Rachel Bilson are all fans of Kathy’s books.

All of Kathy’s nine books, including Thirty Days to a Mindful Home, are available for purchase on Amazon.com and the Baby’s Brilliant App.

To learn more about Kathy, visit: www.peaceplaceforkids.com

The Pen Is Mightier than The Keyboard

As much as I rely on technology, and love it, there is still nothing like a pen and paper (no, I do not write with a pencil unless it is 100% necessary!) Whether I am planning, making lists, or taking notes, I use a pen and paper and I actually remember things a good bit- as long as I write it down.

One of the reasons I have never strayed is when I was in high school, I retained information better if I copied my notes each night. I would color code them and thinking about it and writing them made studying for a test much easier.

I now see that other people are much like me- this infographic explains a lot.

The Benefits of Handwriting vs Typing - Infographic

Make Learning Math Fun and Easy With Kids Academy

kids free app 

Kids Academy Releases #1 Math Games: Singapore Maths App for Android and Updates iOS Version of Math Games App for Kids in Preschool & Kindergarten. Kids Academy is a well-known mobile app developer working in the sphere of children’s early education. The team combines all the expertise, creativity, and truly remarkable skills to develop a wide range of best educational games and fun worksheets for kids.

The great news is that the team just released the long-awaited update #1 Math Games: Singapore Maths App for Kids in Preschool & Kindergarten - iOS version of the app.

itunes kids

This best math app for kids in preschool and kindergarten offers a great variety of fun educational games for kids. Children will get a fantastic chance to:

• train their brains 
• enhance their attention and concentration 
• improve their cognitive skills 
• learn to follow instructions

While playing the fun math games, little mathematicians will grasp their numbers, addition and subtraction facts in a fun and enjoyable way. Kids will trace numbers, master their geometric shapes, practice skip counting and acquire other useful skills too. The cool math games by Kids Academy are based on the famous Singapore Math method. They help children visualize math problems and solve them in a simple way. You can find a number of best educational apps for children by Kids Academy featured in the Family section of the Android store in the USA, Australia, and Canada. This featuring is a reliable indicator of high quality and value of the fun educational games created by this team.

android google play


We have more terrific news from Kids Academy. Available NOW is the long-awaited Android version of their cool #1 Math Games: Singapore Maths App.

The part of homeschooling that I've been dreading most is not just teaching math, but getting the kids excited about it. This app does it! My little one has gotten so excited about math that he is constantly telling me what he's learned and sharing math problems with me, almost to the point of getting me excited about them. This app has basic math and challenges them. They practice math tracing shapes, patterns, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The parent's panel is amazing and we can track our child's progress. Truly Amazing!

This app has it all! It boasts hundreds of new cool math games, videos, and interactive surprises. Your kid is sure to love the new innovative system of motivation and rewards, lively music, colorful graphics and amusing animation. Parents will be happy too – while kids play the new fun math games, they will not need any assistance from grown-up.

itunes app store 

Apple users can download the new Version 3.0.0 of the best educational app from Kids Academy now, Android users can download here after the release in mid-May! But that's not all. You can also try out the impressive collection of free printable worksheets and educational games on Kids Academy website. View a great variety of pre-school and kindergarten worksheets by topic and choose the perfect printables for your little learners. Download and print out the fun worksheets and give your kid a wonderful head start on math, writing, reading and other useful skills.


Click here to check out the Free cute worksheets for learning kids.

Singapore Maths With Kids Academy!

kids free app 

Kids Academy Releases #1 Math Games: Singapore Maths App for Android and Updates iOS Version of Math Games App for Kids in Preschool & Kindergarten. Kids Academy is a well-known mobile app developer working in the sphere of children’s early education. The team combines all the expertise, creativity, and truly remarkable skills to develop a wide range of best educational games and fun worksheets for kids.

The great news is that the team just released the long-awaited update #1 Math Games: Singapore Maths App for Kids in Preschool & Kindergarten - iOS version of the app.

itunes kids

This best math app for kids in preschool and kindergarten offers a great variety of fun educational games for kids. Children will get a fantastic chance to:

• train their brains 
• enhance their attention and concentration 
• improve their cognitive skills 
• learn to follow instructions

While playing the fun math games, little mathematicians will grasp their numbers, addition and subtraction facts in a fun and enjoyable way. Kids will trace numbers, master their geometric shapes, practice skip counting and acquire other useful skills too. The cool math games by Kids Academy are based on the famous Singapore Math method. They help children visualize math problems and solve them in a simple way. You can find a number of best educational apps for children by Kids Academy featured in the Family section of the Android store in the USA, Australia, and Canada. This featuring is a reliable indicator of high quality and value of the fun educational games created by this team.

android google play


We have more terrific news from Kids Academy. Available NOW is the long-awaited Android version of their cool #1 Math Games: Singapore Maths App.

The part of homeschooling that I've been dreading most is not just teaching math, but getting the kids excited about it. This app does it! My little one has gotten so excited about math that he is constantly telling me what he's learned and sharing math problems with me, almost to the point of getting me excited about them. This app has basic math and challenges them. They practice math tracing shapes, patterns, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The parent's panel is amazing and we can track our child's progress. Truly Amazing!
This app has it all! It boasts hundreds of new cool math games, videos, and interactive surprises. Your kid is sure to love the new innovative system of motivation and rewards, lively music, colorful graphics and amusing animation. Parents will be happy too – while kids play the new fun math games, they will not need any assistance from grown-up.

itunes app store 

Apple users can download the new Version 3.0.0 of the best educational app from Kids Academy now, Android users can download here after the release in mid-May! But that's not all. You can also try out the impressive collection of free printable worksheets and educational games on Kids Academy website. View a great variety of pre-school and kindergarten worksheets by topic and choose the perfect printables for your little learners. Download and print out the fun worksheets and give your kid a wonderful head start on math, writing, reading and other useful skills.


Click here to check out the Free cute worksheets for learning kids.

Special needs summer camp - Who is teaching who?

WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC - "Some people look at individuals with disabilities and think, 'Oh, we're going to have to help them a lot.' The result is actually the opposite," said Maddie Ashcraft, seven-year summer camp instructor. Ashcraft says her students have taught her more than she has ever taught them.

"Children facing challenges have a lot to give - they are the teachers," agreed Jack Viorel, Ashcraft's camp mentor and founder of nonprofit Indo Jax Surf Charities. "With each summer camp, special needs students teach us more about the important things - innovation, persistence, courage to overcome obstacles, joy and laughter, patience and compassion."

Kim Kredich, mom to three children, one of whom is on the autism spectrum, describes the summer camps as "so refreshing."

During the weekend of May 25-27, Kredich will bring families from Knoxville, Tennessee, to Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, for a new and inclusive Indo Jax Surf Charities experience based at Blockade Runner Beach Resort.

"Ten of the 27 children coming have disabilities. The other 17 do not. They will learn to surf right alongside each other," Kredich said.

"When we are inclusive and help each other, we all learn and benefit," said Viorel. "The teachers become the students and the students become the teachers and the world becomes a better place."

Viorel began his teaching career 25 years ago in a classroom with medically fragile, special needs, and at-risk kids. Ten years ago he moved his family to Wilmington, North Carolina and opened a surf school as a means to reach children and open their minds.

Camper with Jack Viorel, founder of Indo Jax Charities, photo by Jesse Stephenson
The new inclusive camp is the first on a summer-long schedule of charity outreach surf camps that will serve - at no cost to the campers - visually impaired, autistic, and hearing impaired individuals, as well as boys and girls club members, wounded soldiers, cancer survivors, and participants with developmental and intellectual challenges.

"No one is born with a limiting belief. Limiting beliefs are learned and taught," said Viorel. "When we stop putting limiting beliefs on a special needs child, the sky is the limit. Our goal is to help a child shed limiting beliefs and uncover their confidence and self-esteem again."

"To find an experience for your kids where you don't have to do battle, where your kids can relax and learn something new, where - as a parent - you don't have to wonder whether they're being taken care of and having a good experience - well, that just doesn't happen very often," said Kredich.

Kredich said the camps are an important example for schools and other institutions when it comes to inclusion. "If a surf camp can manage full inclusion, nobody else has an excuse to leave anyone out," she said.

In addition to the free special needs summer camps, Viorel includes anyone with disabilities into the regular surf camp schedule with no additional fee. "I'd love it if everyone signed up whenever they wanted to come," said Viorel. "Right now, though, those special weeks provide peace of mind for families trying this for the first time."

A "Kickoff to Summer" party to help fund the free charity surf camps will be hosted on June 2nd by long-time supporter Blockade Runner Beach Resort. Festivities will include silent auctions, live music, surf camp footage, and more. Indo Jax Surf Charities is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. For event information visit www.indojaxsurfcharities.org.

2016 Charity Surf Camp Schedule

  • May 25-27: Inclusive Surf Camp 
  • May 31-June 2: Boys and Girls Club 
  • June 14-16: Cancer 
  • June 21-23: Kids from Belarus 
  • July 11-14: Visually Impaired 
  • July 26-28: Hearing Impaired 
  • Aug. 9-11: Waccamaw Home for Boys and Girls 
  • Aug. 24-26: Autism-Aug. 22 is Surfers Healing 
  • Sept. 10: Wounded Military surf camp 

Media Photos and Press Archive

GM and NWF Partner to Enhance Sustainability Education

Launches Eco-Schools USA collaboration with 

GM dealers, employees, and suppliers

DETROIT – General Motors and the National Wildlife Federation are partnering to increase environmental education in schools. The new GM Eco-Green program will connect NWF’s network of over 3,700 participating Eco-Schools with local GM non-manufacturing facilities, dealers, and suppliers. GM Eco-Green is NWF’s first large corporate-sponsored environmental outreach program, reaching thousands of students through community-based sustainability activities.

“The National Wildlife Federation is thrilled to partner with General Motors in connecting a network of K-12 Eco-Schools with GM employees,” said NWF CEO Collin O’Mara. “Together we will develop goals and on-the-ground actions that will result in local sustainability projects across the United States and help to foster the next generation of environmental stewards.”

The GM Eco-Green partnership invites GM employees, suppliers and dealers to sign up as mentors. Using NWF’s Eco-Schools USA framework, GM leaders engage K-12 students in authentic learning experiences that positively impact their environment and foster global change.

“The GM Eco-Green collaboration broadens our reach by serving communities beyond the cities where we have manufacturing operations,” said Greg Martin, GM’s executive director of sustainability. “With our dealers’ and suppliers’ help, we can expand this program’s positive impact around the nation.”

The place-based, experiential program exposes students to STEM career paths while encouraging them to become effective future leaders, problem solvers, and environmental stewards.

Projects have already launched, spanning both coasts from Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, to Buena Park, California, and places in between such as Okemos, Michigan, and Yuma, Arizona.

GM Eco-Green is also planning to expand beyond the U.S. with an international partnership with the Foundation for Environmental Education.


More about Eco-Schools. Since 2008, NWF has been the official U.S. host for Eco-Schools, an international green schools program created by the Foundation for Environmental Education.  Through Eco-Schools NWF organizes school-based action teams of students, administrators, educators and community volunteers. NWF's Eco-Schools USA combines effective "green" management of the school grounds, the facilities and the curriculum; truly providing students with a unique, research and application-based learning experience. More information can be found at http://www.nwf.org/eco-schoolsusa

The National Wildlife Federation is America’s largest conservation organization inspiring Americans to protect wildlife for our children’s future. More information can be found at http://www.nwf.org/.